Example sentences of "[adv prt] in a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 You could fit in in a number of ways .
2 I bought something very quickly in the area where we had planned to buy before , and moved in in a matter of weeks , decorating the place with the help of my mum and dad and furnishing it with the family 's cast-offs and a sofa-bed which Nick gave me .
3 Never mind the boring breakbeat rubbish going around , this is the real story , which trips you up and hoses you down in a shower of sparkling special effects .
4 We had been getting it wrong , so were face down in a foot of water in the field doing press-ups .
5 They put it down in a strip of shade and stood to attention on either side with their rifles .
6 The track had climbed , twisted , rocked her in its pot-holes and then swept down in a flurry of loose stones and flying dust , to a house gradually lit , theatrically , as the sun returned from behind a stray afternoon cloud .
7 Her head snapped back down in a flurry of bouncing coppery hair , her eyes warily searching Lucenzo 's face for some sign of compassion .
8 She was flung violently forward , to land face down in a heap of blankets , the crushing weight of her assailant forcing all the air out of her body .
9 The gentle mercies of the lash were used even more extravagantly for civilising the ‘ primitive ’ peoples of the Empire in the nineteenth century , and in one of its anti-garotting tirades Punch ( 6 December 1862 ) had good cause to remember the lesson of the Indian Mutiny of 1857 which had been put down in a sea of blood .
10 The sedan chair was set down in a space of its own , and the curtains drawn aside .
11 At the end of April , all three withdrew from the election after being placed low down in a kind of primary contest held among the United Left 's Madrid rank-and-file to help decide who should go where on the list of candidates put before the capital 's voters ( a candidate 's position is crucial to his chances of a seat ) .
12 I fell down in a kind of madness , and they had to carry me from the room .
13 But the success of the organisation lay in the men who ran it as much as in the formal orders ( set down in a minute of July 1942 ) .
14 Sometimes it shrivelled into itself like water splashing on hot stones , then flared out again as its owner shrank down in a spasm of coughing and straightened up again .
15 We got settled down in a couple of cane chairs , and I gave her a cigarette .
16 He 'll be down in a couple of minutes . ’
17 The structure of the economy and society can be broken down in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes .
18 She reached her mother 's in nearby Northumberland Street and broke down in a state of shock .
19 And everyone in Maple Drive , as they cooked , consoled , took out their best suits and thought of even nicer things to say about Donald than the last nice thing that had been said about him , were privately so astonished , so relieved , so savagely glad to be alive that if someone had proposed to bury him upside down in a bucket of horse manure they would probably have agreed it was all for the best .
20 Such posts might not carry a large salary , for although Henry VIII had evidently raised the wages of household officials , Elizabeth held them down in a period of rising prices .
21 However , I was very pleased with the result , stripes running up and down in a sort of bird 's eye pattern over two stitches , interspersed with ‘ leaves ’ and geometric trailing ‘ flowers ’ .
22 If we try to relate the stratigraphical column , in all its fantastic detail , to these general theories , we will inevitably soon bog down in a welter of information .
23 FOR a thriller to really thrill there should be moments when you are gripping the edge of your seat wondering if the star is indeed going to go down in a hail of bullets — one more dead hero .
24 Captain Herbert Westmacott charged at an Antrim Road door with his anti-terror team and was mown down in a hail of M-60 machine-gun bullets .
25 True , Gilels does half-smudge the odd chord but , then , his recording gives the impression of having been put down in a handful of massive musically organic takes , where the new Philips occasionally betrays signs of cutting-room technology .
26 The great thick orange-red cloud was leaping up and down in a frenzy of hunger and desire , and the whole forest was echoing with the snorts and growls of the awesome creature .
27 There were others , such as Marie , who had hoped to gain a greater understanding of a subject they loved , and found themselves bogged down in a process of constant marking and grading , passing and failing .
28 The Frenchman 's bullet pierced the brain of the buffalo just behind its left ear , and the impact twisted its neck and threw the animal down in a swirl of dust only ten yards from where Joseph was kneeling beside his terrified mother .
29 As I wrapped myself in my gas cape and crouched down in a corner of the trench , I gazed up at the sky .
30 The rope hung down in a corner of the room on the right-hand side of the fireplace .
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