Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [vb infin] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Why not write in and tell us more of your tips — Ed .
2 If I had my choice , I 'd rather be left to work something out myself ; instead of it all being set up and you just walk in and take measurements , go away and analyse them , you 'd have to go in and set it all up , then you 'd really learn something .
3 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
4 The race had started on a wet track — it is almost never dry for a whole weekend in Holland — and Hunt 's victory resulted from the finest sort of judgement about when to come in and change his wet tyres to slicks .
5 Amy wo n't do it and I ca n't find anyone even to come in and keep it tidy . ’
6 None of those and the chancellor of the exchequer is rubbing his hands and saying Goody goody th there 's money for my coffers cos he is the one who is going to step in and take it all , so the people will argue the obvious ones are , firstly somebody you live with but are not married to .
7 ‘ We 'll go in and find us another shuttle . ’
8 The unprecedented blitz of media hype surrounding the restoration , expansion and long awaited re-opening of Frank Lloyd Wright 's great spiralling concrete shell has created a huge public interest and lining up to get in and see what all the fuss is about has become the latest hot civic pursuit .
9 They would go in and fight their own battle and US forces would gradually be withdrawn .
10 To knock down and build something new . ’
11 Look , why do n't you sit down and make yourself comfortable ?
12 It just breaks my heart , honey , to think of your poor , dear cousin in such pain , ’ the other woman murmured sympathetically , her eyes glistening with tears as she begged Laura to sit down and make herself comfortable .
13 Is to know it all and can sit down and watch you two
14 ‘ And now you ring her up on the day we get back from our honeymoon and get her to come down and tell you all about it !
15 Always find time to sit down and devote your entire attention to what you are doing .
16 You can follow this treatment with a face-pack , or wait half an hour for your skin to settle down and apply your usual moisturiser .
17 Then , I thought , we could finally sit down and take it easy .
18 Your Dad 'll want to pop down and see his blessed allotment before we go to bed anyway .
19 Do come along and give our two teams your support .
20 Well I 'd like to see a very open report , and that 's why I Mr , and I 'd like him to look at all the options , we 're deferring this so that we can see what 's possible , you know , , perhaps Hanson Trust would like to come along and offer us fifty million pounds for it , that 'd be a fair deal would n't it , perhaps somebody else would do that .
21 It takes science to come along and tell us that what is going on under these circumstances is a brain process , let alone to tell us which brain process it is .
22 In your new brochure here that you 've put on the table erm it says a meeting it does n't actually say a meeting actually it says we need your ideas come along and tell us that 's why we applauded . .
23 The sea roared like a pride of hungry lions , thudding against the side of the ship like a thousand battering-rams , so that it seemed that at any moment it must break through and drown them all .
24 I mean you you might fall over and smash his precious organ or something
25 erm it does take a lot of effort to move over to meeting them as individual people , and once you 've understood that they are individual people and you get to know their interests and get to know your common humanity , then that 's the point where you want to get on and do something more , but it 's very difficult to recognise the common humanity , and a lot of
26 And traditionally , I find , British parents tend to erm say on the one hand we 'll let the school get on and do their professional job — I find it quite depressing they do n't ask for more say in the organisation , but they do demand , quite rightly , the right to criticise when things go wrong .
27 It took only a few seconds for Benny to rush on and spot her unknowing guides .
28 Mr Stanley said : ‘ Whatever the outcome of the General Election , private clients will still need Rathbones to advise on and manage their personal affairs and investments . ’
29 It was 21-year-old Jamie Moralee who stole the ball from Kevin Scott to run on and score his seventh League goal in 11 games .
30 If you did n't care about him , you 'd just walk off and lead your own life .
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