Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
2 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
3 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
4 So I gingerly walked down and crept into the car realized that I was the one that had caused all that
5 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
6 The autumn colours come when the green pigment chlorophyll is broken down and re-absorbed into the tree .
7 She remembered , following the man 's visit , that she had sat dumb with rage , and had then rushed upstairs to his room , and every article belonging to him , even to his razor strop , she had brought down and thrown into the yard for the Saturday morning onslaught .
8 There are two ways to ensure this : one is to make sure that there is plenty of moisture-retentive organic bulk under each plant at planting time , and the second is a steady carrying down and mixing into the soil by worm action from a blanket cover on the soil surface , a cover that also drastically reduces evaporation .
9 The fire gave a sudden crackle and the top log rolled over and fell into the hearth .
10 Sleepily she tried to adjust for this situation , flipping over and snuggling into the heated surface of his chest .
11 I lay on my fourposter ready to bemoan what had happened but the next minute I rolled over and sank into the deepest sleep .
12 Lorton hooked a leg over and climbed into the room .
13 She sucked in a steadying gulp of air , letting it go with little huffing sounds before she walked on and turned into the lane .
14 But the float careered on and crashed into the 58-year-old tax official , breaking his leg .
15 Seeing the glow of a red and yellow Shell sign ahead , she drives on and pulls into the forecourt of a self-service petrol station .
16 Gary 's great strength was an ability to get to a ball first in the penalty area , but if he received it at his feet 30 yards from goal he was looking for help , to lay it off and get into the penalty area .
17 The car accelerated off and disappeared into the late afternoon traffic .
18 He roared , bounded off and disappeared into the jungle .
19 Jay stripped her clothes off and plunged into the sea , still smiling !
20 The obvious thing to do is strip off and dive into the clear , green water , but I would n't advise it .
21 Bits dropped off and clattered into the street .
22 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
23 ‘ A man 's genitals hacked off and stuffed into the mouth of his decapitated head .
24 According to William , the man and the woman took all their clothes off and climbed into the bath so the woman was sitting with her back to the man , and the man peed into the water .
25 With all the seat rails inserted and the chair assembled the stretchers can be marked off and jointed into the legs .
26 it 's like party balloons , she 's got like water balloons I mean , with water and , they was , I had them in this box mucking about , I was trying take something out , and then like we dropped a water balloon in their bathroom and erm , we started having water fight , and that they filled them up and go into the balloons and then you go and tie it up
27 Then get your mask up and get into the Accident Unit !
28 There 's little dawdling to sniff flowers now , just giddy , breakneck pop ; ‘ In Love For The Very First Time ’ is gushing and gossipy , while ‘ Be Your Baby ’ is '60s girl group sentiment wised up and flung into the backroom of the Camden Falcon .
29 They seemed further away , their shells passing over very high up and crashing into the area of the Orne canal .
30 But , as they approached , the men broke up and ran into the stadium , vaulting the entrance turnstiles as they went .
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