Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [verb] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jump in and get it straight away .
2 Perhaps they 've been in and done it now .
3 She slipped in and closed it very carefully .
4 This situation was difficult enough without Eleanor barging in and making it even worse .
5 You 've got ta put an offer in and pay it so much a month have n't you or something and , and , and get it paid off over a period of time ?
6 She was trembling as she bent down and inserted it carefully into the left-hand drawer of the desk .
7 And he just — well , he just sort of sat down and wrote it straight off . ’
8 And like all gifts , it should not be unwrapped before.its time , so do n't unwrap your gift , or allow anyone else to unwrap your gift , or else God might , in His wisdom , come down and take it away again . ’
9 If you do n't believe it , turn the keyboard upside down and shake it gently .
10 ‘ I do n't need that kind of restriction on my playing , and I 've done it loads of times in the past when recording , always having to think , ‘ Well , I ca n't play the F£ there ; I 'll have to go down and play it there . ’
11 If you push the lever down and leave it there the flaps will reach their maximum angle and the selector will automatically jump back into neutral so that the hydraulic circuit can idle .
12 She sat down and examined it minutely — spread it over her lap and investigated .
13 Anyway , he turned up at my house sometime later and , sure enough , I had n't finished it — so we sat down and did it together , along with a few others while we were in the mood . ’
14 place , they pulled it down and rebuilt it so it has to come down
15 A gybe in which , instead of the sail passing around the front of the board , the sailor ducks down and throws it overhead .
16 Broken apart by force , the lid splintered , the box shed a handful of stones and a drift of dead leaves as he turned it upside down and shook it ruefully .
17 We had to sit there watching it for days to keep away the dogs and chickens and stop the crows and vultures swooping down and snatching it away . ’
18 Now do n't bring it down and play it here because
19 Given the new ball , I used to turn the front of my trousers over and polish it there .
20 No it 's alright , I 'll er I 'll sail over and do it there .
21 I think you know I was con trying to concentrate on getting the facts over and doing it properly and not listening for the comments so much and thinking more you know what , what can I get out of this here erm
22 Well I said that does n't excuse the thing of , of tipping all over and putting it inside and not shifting it .
23 Harbury rattled on : ‘ I know he 'd rather make a statement later on and give it simultaneously to everyone .
24 Well , come on and see it now . ’
25 Once you start pulling pallets to pieces and then you 've got to replace the pack what you 've t taken off and rewrap it again and
26 However , many already regret their choice , especially in Poland where PR has tempted factions of Solidarity to break off and go it alone as independent parties .
27 Too weak to resist , the young hidalgo lay quite passive , showing emotion only when Pascoe , on discovering a bronze agnus dei on a chain , wrenched it off and flung it overboard .
28 A scab is something you have to put up with until the time comes when you can pick it off and flick it away .
29 On Sundays , she did her hair with far more care than usual , arranging it in smooth red coils and loops , and , with her uncustomary neatness and her grand necklace and her look of youth , she acquired a startling , hare-like , fleeting beauty , pared to the bone ; a weird beauty that lasted until bedtime , when she took the necklace off and put it away again .
30 Why ca n't I take it off and rest it awhile on someone 's mantel-piece ?
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