Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [verb] [pron] if " in BNC.

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1 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
2 So I went in and asked her if she wants a smoke .
3 I might pop in and see her if I get a chance but
4 And er , I 'll come down and show them if they like .
5 ‘ I bent down and asked him if he was all right .
6 Yeah I put the shield up against the wall because I knew then that the whole house had been cleared and er bent down and asked her if she was alright .
7 Well we could go down and watch it if you like .
8 I , if I was you , I 'd be extremely pissed , but then again I 've got the temperament where I wo n't sit down and take something if I do n't like it .
9 When they arrived the place was empty — — it was early evening — except for ‘ two street toughs in camel-hair coats ’ sitting at a table ; ‘ and they were fairly easy to distinguish , and I think we walked up and asked them if they were — and — , and they said yes . ’
10 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
11 So he called me up and asked me if I wanted to play it , which was incredibly flattering because I 'd been a fan of his for such a long time .
12 But his letter posed as many questions as it answered , so I rang him up and asked him if he was willing to come and see me .
13 No , she said that she came up and asked you if you wan na go out with Emma
14 I shall show Dr Meredith up and notify you if he has anything noteworthy to say . ’
15 be in town , if you only go up and see her if you 're in town could n't you ?
16 come up and insult you if it does n't bother you , you wo n't say a thing , but if it does bother you 'll come back and re say something back .
17 Check this out and use it if it is available .
18 Philip stopped , got out and asked her if she was all right .
19 He ogled her and once he had come out and asked her if she would like a dear little puppy dog to keep her warm in the night .
20 Meehan lost no time in seeking him out and asking him if what he had heard was true .
21 I 'd send out and help them if it would n't spoil everything . ’
22 ‘ Just think back and tell us if you noticed the statuette last night during your — perambulations . ’
23 If your cigarette went out the screws would come back and light it if they was in the right frame of mind : all depends who was on .
24 ‘ But , ’ he adds , ‘ strategically , if you stood back and asked yourself if domestic appliances was a good business to be in , the answer was no , it was n't .
25 Often , even after insisting that everyone goes back to the launch point , there will be barely enough people to hold all the gliders down , turn them around and re-park them if the wind changes .
26 I wonder if Aunty Ann will come round today er if not , suppose we could go round and see her if she 's about , getting withdrawal symptoms , wo n't she ?
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