Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [pos pn] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Middlesbrough move the kick off of their home North Division One match with Sandal back to 3pm .
2 I ca n't understand that either , they ai n't getting no relief off of their poll tax and yet they 're , yet she 's not at work and he 's on the dole , and they still having to pay full whack .
3 All aggregates are made up of their constituent parts — for example , we see later that the total demand for a country 's output consists of the sum of individual demands and can be written as follows : where AD is total ( or aggregate ) demand , C is the sum of all individual consumers ' demands for goods and services , I is the sum of all individual firms ' demands for investment goods , C is the government 's demand for goods and services , X is the total foreign demand for the country 's exports and M is the demand for imports .
4 She slipped out of her cotton skirt and the enormously full paper nylon petticoat she wore beneath it .
5 A 93 year old woman has been tricked out of her life savings and pension book .
6 Hoomey was splashing away on his third length when Nutty , getting bored , got up to fetch a toffee out of her blazer pocket where it was tossed down under the cupressus hedge .
7 The clerk looked at her oddly as she took her purse out of her school satchel and carefully counted out the exact money .
8 They paid for the holiday out of her redundancy money .
9 Drawing a packet of cigarettes out of her shoulder bag , she lit one and put it to her lips .
10 Alexandra was backing out of her parking space , much too fast .
11 They could see a man with a ladder up against the cinema putting up the new poster , and the small round figure of Peggy Pine coming out of her dress shop to stand and look admiringly at her window display .
12 A short round woman in a big flowered apron , her long grey-black pigtail wound into a thick bun , came out of her cheese room and sent the Captain and the Brigadier along the edge of a muddy , sprouting cornfield to a distant pasture , leaving the Substitute to keep his shoes dry near the farmhouse .
13 JEALOUS wife Dolores Reeves bit the tattooed name of an old flame out of her hubby Melvin 's arm in Oklahoma .
14 She pulled a spliff half out of her breast pocket , let it fall back .
15 ‘ … he would n't mind betting they 'd queue up to drink plain tap water out of her Wellington boots and count themselves blasted lucky to have the chance .
16 Mrs Donna Frizzell looked despondently out of her picture window .
17 Elinor would step out of her therapy class one morning , wave goodbye to Anna and Linda and Susie and Tatiana and Ruth and wham — several hundred rounds from an M16 , the screech of tyres and the howl of brakes as the saloon car roared off down Makepeace Avenue .
18 In another murder case , after a 19-year-old youth had been found guilty of a stabbing murder in Oakley Street , a woman who had given crucial evidence against him was ill-treated by neighbours and eventually turned out of her Oakley Street home amidst ‘ a terrible scene ’ .
19 She paid them back out of her pension money .
20 Clara swore that she would pay for herself out of her Post Office Savings : her mother said that her dead father had n't put that money away for her to squander on trips abroad .
21 The moment the words were out of her mouth Leonora could have kicked herself .
22 She did not go up to London to see her lover without first drawing fifteen pounds out of her bank account , and thinking up a convincing story to tell her parents , and packing a good book to read on the train ( it was U.S.A. by John dos Passos , and she had read four and a half pages of it before she had been interrupted by her neighbour 's knee ) , and looking up her lover 's address in the A to Z.
23 Lucy Lane arrived : in a green frock figured in black , dark hair expertly set , a shoulder bag matching her frock ; she looked as though she had just stepped out of her BMW runabout for a spot of window shopping .
24 After the previous evening , too many conflicting emotions seemed to be crowding in on her , and she was n't sure she knew how to deal with them , or indeed , she thought , stepping out of her jogging pants and T-shirt to reveal the figure-hugging jade-green swimsuit beneath , whether there was anything to deal with , other than her own imagination .
25 She had looked out of her bedroom window upon an unjust world , upon undeserved sadness , upon concatenation of ill-luck , upon the at least equal odds of sickness , spinsterhood and narrow horizons .
26 Gail McCaffrey , a work colleague of Susan 's staying with the family at their home in Salford , Greater Manchester , managed to climb out of her bedroom window .
27 Now she stood looking out of her bedroom window , feeling lonely in spite of the car headlights crawling up the avenue of tall cypresses towards the villa 's ornate façade and the first arrivals climbing the twin stone staircases to the central entrance .
28 She looked out of her bedroom window just in time to see a dark figure leading Bathsheba 's horse and cart out of the field .
29 The next morning , from her hotel in the Slavkoský Forest area , she looked out of her bedroom window at the tree-filled hills that surrounded Mariánské Láznë , and had no appetite then either .
30 This afternoon — I arrived in Salisbury at around three thirty — when I entered my address in her register as ‘ Darlington Hall ’ , I could see her look at me with some trepidation , assuming no doubt that I was some gentleman used to such places as the Ritz or the Dorchester and that I would storm out of her guest house on being shown my room .
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