Example sentences of "[adv prt] at [pron] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Alain looked down at her as they came into the hall .
2 He grinned down at her as they ascended the stairs together .
3 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
4 He stood looking down at her as she lay with her hair spread out on the pillow , her eyes still half shut by the heaviness of sleep and her lips smiling .
5 He stood looking down at her as she sat on the grass , clutching the ring .
6 He came to her , taking her hands and drawing her to her feet , just standing there looking down at her as she found herself quite incapable of resisting .
7 He frowned down at her as she lay back self-consciously against the pillows .
8 ‘ You are going nowhere at all , ’ he assured her grimly , looking down at her as he sat her on the bed , her legs on top of the sheets , and she was too busy trying to make sure she did n't faint to consider how she looked .
9 Having lifted Hector into the vehicle , where he sat on the floorboards , panting with his tongue lolling out , and wagging a satisfied tail , Benedict swung himself up and grinned down at her as he took the reins into his hand .
10 He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her , then held both her hands and smiled down at her as I had not seen him smile since I mentioned her name that night in the subway .
11 He looked down at her and she flushed guiltily .
12 Alain lifted his head and looked down at her and she was still staring mesmerised into his dark eyes when a voice she knew already spoke almost in her ear .
13 All the time his eyes were laughing down at her and she suddenly flushed when she realised how she must look , lying there on the grass .
14 He looked down at her and she could n't look away from the dark , burning eyes .
15 He grinned down at her and it was only then that she realised just what she had said .
16 He stood , looking down at her until she reached up to lay one hand on his thigh .
17 My Mum looked down at me and I could tell she was just about to cry .
18 A manic grin leered down at me as I struggled to bridge the crux .
19 And then he was pushed roughly on , and suddenly , inexplicably my mind was filled with a vivid picture of Christ looking down at me as I stood at the foot of the cross .
20 As she stared down at him while he cleared up the mess , she wondered why she felt so outmanoeuvred .
21 Jinny frowned down at him as he fell to his knees and started to root about in his files of cuttings .
22 In the same instant , however , Grant was caught a numbing blow on his left shoulder , as Angel One reacted to his move with uncanny speed , chopping down at him as he hurtled past and over him .
23 She smiled down at him as she smoothed the bedclothes and began checking him over .
24 I must confess when this one dropped down at him and he chested it out it 's a lovely little bit of link up play by Jochim again .
25 ‘ I 'll decide about that , Mr Clarke , ’ Jenna said grimly , standing and looking down at him until he got hastily to his feet .
26 James ( 4.2 ) : When I 'm grown up big I shall be like a giant , and I shall be up here and I shall look down at you and you will say , ‘ What are you doing up there ? ’
27 Miriam was smiling down at it while it squirmed and stretched , screwing up its tiny face and fists with the effort it was making .
28 Pulling the tabs on the thermal cans to heat up the food , she glanced over at him but he was exactly as he 'd been all day , close yet remote , unreachable .
29 If they start probing , I 'll just glance over at you and they 'll think … ’
30 He looked up at me after I finished and I saw that whipped dog look .
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