Example sentences of "[adv prt] on [noun sg] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was , after all , proposing to jerk up and down on top of a naked woman not more than three or four strides away from a sleeping child , her child .
2 Her hand came down on top of a large bunch of them and she felt a sudden stinging pain .
3 She put the bowl down on top of a chest of drawers standing next to the bed and folded her arms .
4 He broke his neck by throwing himself down on top of the reactor . ’
5 The normal angle of attack for a driver is level with the ball at impact below , but a topped shot is a steep swing down on top of the ball ( bottom ) .
6 He then turned himself into an enormous DRAGON and settled down on top of the cache .
7 Hugh did n't wake as she lay down on top of the sheet beside him and before dawn she fell into the heaviest sleep she had enjoyed that holiday .
8 There they gently laid it down on top of the so-centimetre mark at the middle of the tape measure .
9 He slammed the milk bottle down on top of the bedside cabinet , pulling the drawer open .
10 Then , without previous movement or sound , only with a sudden gush of closed and graveyard air , the rotten surface above buckled and dimpled , lolling in sagging bubbles of turf , and sending its under-levels of soil cascading down on top of the ancient arc of bricks that upheld it .
11 Dressed only in bra and panties , she had flopped down on top of the covers , trying to woo sleep .
12 As his eyes fell on the crucifix he realized that he 'd always loathed it , and in a small gesture of defiance he lifted it off its hook and set it down on top of the filing cabinet .
13 THE Government is not backing down on re-organisation of the Nature Conservancy Council and Countryside Commissions , despite the drubbing that its proposals have received from virtually every conversation organisation in Britain .
14 Housing benefit will not come in on top of the rates .
15 Today , the hon. Member for Dagenham confirmed that , and the hon. Member for Eastbourne joined in on behalf of the Liberal Democrats .
16 This blocky layer is carried along on top of the moving flow , looking for all the world like rocks on a conveyor belt in a quarry .
17 Communications with Tamiami Airport and with WAM were not re-established as FlyPast went to press , but Susy Q , the WAM B–17 , is thought to have been blown over on top of the A–26 Invader and/or B–23 Dragon that were also stored outside the WAM hangar .
18 Who will ever believe that I lay there , stripped naked , 1,000 metres up on top of a hill that is 300 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle ?
19 ‘ Oh , a penthouse is like any other home , only it 's right up on top of a building and you can see for miles and miles just by looking out of your sitting room window . ’
20 From the start , Jakki popped up on Top of the Pops .
21 He threw one the very worst time , up on top of the wall , and the other kids all shunned away .
22 Only long cloaks blowing , up on top of the young dunes , a gaze of strange cold eyes , a flash of spear-points — then the rain drove across , and Ruth could see only night .
23 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
24 The boat came up on top of the wave , with white water all around it .
25 The moon disappeared , and there was a slow , light wind , like the breath of a dying man , as Gabriel climbed the ladder and started thatching high up on top of the third rick .
26 That 's another ten grand fifteen grand I 'll sit up on top of the bonfire until it gets hot
27 Oh , on Monday Jessie went to school and the teacher saw her cat suit he shouted so loudly , she jumped , jumped , jumped , jumped up , up on top of the , do n't laugh
28 Yeah , tell you what he does , he gets his back legs up on top of the wall and he does it on top .
29 why it 's up on top of the fridge
30 Up on top of the counter .
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