Example sentences of "[adv prt] with [pron] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
2 That made sense , and fitted in with what she remembered from college business lectures .
3 We all fell in with what you wanted , we all bent over backwards to do what you wanted .
4 ‘ Well , that does n't tie in with what I heard about him . ’
5 It fitted in with what I had been working out already .
6 I saw now what I 'd known all the time , only I 'd hidden it craftily from myself because it did n't fit in with what I wanted to do , that Terry and I had no basis for a love-affair ; we were friends who happened to be attracted to each other physically , which was far from enough , and by thinking it was enough we 'd gone against the very nature of our relationship .
7 It had occurred to him that maybe , just maybe , they 'd be able to link him in with what he 'd done .
8 Well several people did bring in board games but Mr Barnes was ‘ too busy ’ to organise us , so we just joined in with whatever we fancied .
9 Brian was saying , he said you going in with your he said and we 'll lose that , he said he should play his best bloody
10 ‘ He should have done that in the first place , and I should have thought about what I was doing instead of just floating along with whatever he put to me .
11 Along with him I planted other wild trees , mostly native willows and the nurserymen came and added their more refined products .
12 Decisions decisions decisions — I 've never made any decisions on my own before , I 've just gone along with what everyone said .
13 erm , I I let the person do what they wanted to do and not what I wanted to do I just went along with what they said
14 But it bothered her , because Naylor You'll-do-as-I-say Massingham had as good as just told her that either she shut up and went along with everything he said , even to the extent of pretending to be engaged to him , or he would dismiss her !
15 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
16 He later told her he began to feel unwell at about 8 and at 10 doubled over with what he thought was a stitch .
17 So I er carried on with what they found me with this in the brew house and then er where did I go from there ?
18 He did n't rise to it ; simply carried on with what he had to say .
19 I was just an honest guy who wanted to get on with what he did best , scoring tries , and I think the supporters responded to that . ’
20 Meanwhile he got on with what he found inside the citadel .
21 When they complained to the hunt er , the Master brought er a leg of pork round , not a leg of lamb I might add , a leg of pork to er , appease them er one other point , ooh yeah , there was , is one other point actually , when my daughter challenged the hunt she was appalled by the arrogance of these pink coated hooray Henrys who totally ignored her plight and er just carried on with whatever they wished to do .
22 Dare they call her bluff and just let her get on with whatever she thought she could do to inconvenience them ?
23 Marie was waiting for me and when I caught up with her she linked her arm in mine .
24 When I flopped at my first job , I was so fed up with myself I thought I was n't worth any decent firm 's money , so I went off and got a frightful job working in a dirty old canteen , just to punish myself , sort of .
25 I want to connect this up with something I said earlier : ‘ We are not foreigners in our own language ; we are at home in it . ’
26 Catching up with what they thought they 'd lost . ’
27 She suddenly recollected that she was now the wife of the director of a large company , and drew herself up with what she hoped was some dignity ; but she only succeeded in looking more than ever like a pouter pigeon .
28 ‘ I learned something from Ana when we were leaving Granada , ’ she began , looking up with what she hoped was an intelligent determination to talk .
29 ‘ So then I had an idea that if I went to a composer who wrote very tuneful music , but asked him to work electronically rather than with instruments , I might end up with what I wanted , which was music the ear could relate to , rather than musique concrète which was the other sort of electronic music being done at the time .
30 On the other hand , however , Mr De Haan said the company had to put up with what it regarded as disadvantages of being publicly quoted .
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