Example sentences of "[adv prt] for [Wh det] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Well , then how do you explain the night I put down a copy of Viz , turned on the telly , and settled in for what I thought would be a programme of smart , irreverent comedy ?
2 Joanna said , ‘ I had an uncle — he 's dead now , but I used to spend a lot of time in his surgery — and , apart from the essentials , he never went in for what he called expensive gimmicks .
3 I tried to speak with the landlord but was driven off for what I seemed — a ragged , evil-smelling beggar .
4 I certainly both dreaded and disliked the prospect of the law and order debate , for the atmosphere was so strangely hostile and so different from that accorded to all one 's colleagues … pressure and even bullying by so-called ‘ hangers and floggers ’ served only to force Conservative MPs who were against hanging to stand up for what they believed to be right .
5 These were people who knew how the business worked , understood local markets — and were prepared to stand up for what they knew and believed .
6 Somewhat forbidding socially because of shyness , Dorothea had an absolute integrity which made her stand up for what she believed should be done .
7 She tended to be over-indulgent with Victoria , partly because she could see herself in the child and partly too , in some perverse fashion , to make up for what she considered to be her own harsh upbringing under Jonadab 's strict rules .
8 But to make up for what he did n't pay he left a hundred pound to the kirk .
9 ‘ My mind was fixed on the tribunal most of the day , then I spent four hours travelling up for what I thought would be a place on the bench .
10 Despite its shortcomings and my own , working on Switchboard gave me the tools to work out some sort of political consciousness , the level of articulacy required to stand up for what I started to believe in and the confidence to take the sort of shit that comes to any woman who does that , anywhere .
11 ‘ She was only paying me back for what I did for her , and she should have gone on paying me back . ’
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