Example sentences of "[adv prt] [Wh det] it [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Remember I asked you this morning to just just after lunch to jot down what it was that you need to improve on just as you 're setting the clock just say something like by the end of this talk I 'd like you to congratulate me on having moved around a bit more having not put me hands in me pockets , whatever it might be .
2 Even though the new series looks good ( with one of its highlights promising to be the small-screen debut of Paul Whitehead ) and he has at least three other projects on the go , Harry Enfield still has n't figured out what it is that he does exactly .
3 I shall begin , then , by trying to set out what it is that theists believe in and atheists do n't .
4 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
5 With more than 130 successful wines to choose from , it would be a very pleasant experience indeed just trying to find out what it is that makes a good wine a winner , observed one Winemark spokesman .
6 And they 're going to find out what it is that the doctor said .
7 Er the goods that what , not goods that we want to give them like junk food and ludicrous fashions , to find out what it is that they want this of equipment and no , and do n't forget the know-how , I mean we are , we have a hell of a Know-how in this country which is not being used .
8 ‘ Maybe we 'll find out what it is if he goes to the hospital with us , ’ said David thoughtfully .
9 The way to get the best out of something — whether faith or a donkey or anything else — is to find out what it is and treat it accordingly .
10 They will be of some use in working out what it was that testators hoped to achieve by adding on a trust disposition to provisions at civil law .
11 The Doctor could n't quite make out what it was that had moved , but going by the gelid fluidity of the apparent movement , he did n't really want to .
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