Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] over the " in BNC.

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1 Talks have been going on for weeks over the future of the Royal marriage , but despite repeated attempts to save it , the Queen finally decided it was all over on Tuesday afternoon .
2 There groups of men along with youths over the bar mitzvah age of thirteen would gather at eight o'clock , and to the muttered accompaniment of the special blessings each would kiss his phylacteries , wind one around left arm , palm and second finger , encircle his forehead with the other , and then join in reciting the ritual prayers .
3 People want to spend their day forgetting about hard times — even if they pay it off in instalments over the next ten years .
4 There was a mild stockbuilding boom , probably to make up for dislocations over the winter , and commodity prices took off again .
5 Yet some big securities houses are up in arms over the Elwes report .
6 I do not believe that the people of Scotland are up in arms over the fact that my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds , North-East ( Mr. Kirkhope ) is , among his many other duties , the Scottish Whip .
7 Still to come : farmers are up in arms over the Poll Tax on empty farm cottages , and forty thousand pounds from the N H S lottery comes to Oxford .
8 Much that he says about divisions in the human psyche is reflected in pale form in the Hindu sacred books of the Upanishads ( which is hardly surprising , since White Face claims that all the world 's knowledge of itself emanated from the ‘ Other Side ’ during the ice age before last , when Other Siders went out like missionaries over the globe , reaching as far as Hindustan ) .
9 During the few moments in which she paused in her ascent to the church she reflected that now she was looking at the view the other way round ; now she was in one of the overcrowded little alleys visible from San Martino as merely a crack in a vast expanse of roof tiles and crumbling masonry and noticeable from that lofty vantage point because of the fluttering of the washing hung out on poles over the street to dry .
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