Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
2 And this she did , holding on for support to the iron rail that rimmed the wooden edge of the cart and which helped to keep the rags in place .
3 The 39-nation Conference on Disarmament meeting in Geneva on Sept. 3 adopted a draft treaty banning the use , production or stock-piling of chemical weapons , and agreed to pass it on for approval by the UN General Assembly .
4 One is simply placing a microphone in the corner of a bar and hoping that people will listen , and another is putting comedians on as part of a disco .
5 Work in this area might usefully go on as part of a larger , more focused programme .
6 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
7 Work going on as part of the resource management initiative is designed to overcome this problem , and eventually it will produce the information that is lacking .
8 and then they 'll just pick one out of that to go on as part of the calendar .
9 Summerill is staying on as chairman for the time being .
10 Detlev Rohwedder created the vacancy when he stayed on as head of the Treuhandanstalt , the state agency dealing with the privatisation of east German businesses .
11 Samuel strongly advised that MacDonald should be persuaded to stay on as head of the existing government or some " reconstituted " Labour Cabinet or , failing these alternatives , of a National government made up of members of the three parties ; the necessary but unpalatable economies affecting the working class could best be imposed by a Labour government .
12 Dr Cunningham said : ‘ The important thing is for Neil to stay on as leader of the party and build on the gains we have made in this election . ’
13 The dispute marked the latest stage in the political turmoil which had begun on Oct. 9 with Mamaloni 's resignation on as leader of the People 's Alliance Party ( PAP ) , shortly before he was due to face a challenge to his leadership at the ruling party 's annual convention .
14 They finally put it on after pressure from the campaign .
15 ‘ I have to go out today , ’ Fernando told her when she came down for breakfast on the terrace the next morning .
16 ‘ Uncle Jake says we 've to be down for breakfast in a quarter of an hour . ’
17 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
18 Horses often display these signs when asked to perform a difficult movement , and will be marked down for resistance in a dressage test .
19 After a few seconds of awkward introductions , Zohra excused herself with a promise to be down for cocoa at the usual time , then led Harry upstairs .
20 Prehistoric and Roman tracks were duly appropriated by drovers from the Highlands , bringing their cattle down for sale in the Lowlands and , when the two nations were at peace , in England .
21 At the end of one particularly difficult morning surgery , she sat down for coffee with a long sigh of relief .
22 I felt totally drawn into the piece as I recognised struggled I 've had with my own mother and my feelings of shame , and fear , talking about sex — the terrible silence that develops which no one attempts to break down for fear of the pain ‘ that ‘ conversation would bring ’ .
23 The day began like any other , except that the bells of St James 's Church seemed to peal with more exhilaration than they ever did on a Sunday , and Sarah pictured the ringers jumping up and down for joy at the ends of their stout ropes .
24 There is nobody jumping up and down for joy at the news , and morale , which has been comatose , now has a sense of mortality hanging over it .
25 On Nov. 25 Maria Rauch-Kallat , 43 , was sworn in as Minister of the Environment , Youth and Family Affairs .
26 The reason for this rule is to prevent a shareholder feeling compelled to accept a partial offer through fear of the offer being successful and his being left in as part of a minority .
27 For over twenty years I have been experimenting with how we show music : not only the work of the orchestra , how they play , but also the way the instruments are brought in as part of the musical argument .
28 Most off the shelf PCs these days come equipped with a graphics controller card which is either a card fitted into a vacant expansion slot or built in as part of the motherboard .
29 While the general principles of project management are much the same in the two cases , a number of important aspects that are implicit in the first case , in that they are built in as part of the company procedures , must be made explicit in the second .
30 ‘ I 've said I 'll stand in as coach for the under-fifteens .
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