Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [pron] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee had been sitting before McCarthy and it went on after him and in the long run this damaged more people .
2 Walter , down below them and with the waters getting perilously close to the tops of his waders , says , ‘ Something 's rotten under here .
3 Are you coming in with me and in the library or whatever ?
4 Lumps of turf thumped down on them and into the fire .
5 Dr Ali was scurrying along beside him and from time to time glaring down the line of boys .
6 He landed and stared down at me and at the blood of my broken wing , his terrible beak opening just a little with the pleasure of what he saw ; while I hung there , trying to watch all three at once and knowing that one of them would attack suddenly and then be gone as another came in from a different direction .
7 SCOTLAND ‘ The knock-on effect has come through to us and at last it is being admitted in Scotland that prices are falling , ’ says Dunan McDougall of Ryden Residential in Edinburgh .
8 When the Second Son drove up with a whoosh , I ran over to him and after kissing him both hello and goodbye , told him to call my husband in London .
9 Mike Powell was handing over to me and in the general melee of the race he had run out of his box and I had run out of my lane , so we were disqualified twice !
10 The friction of their two radiances created a third ; they could sense it building up between them and around them .
11 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
12 All this is a matter of statistics and arid generalities : but what the transformation of these local heaths meant to those who had grown up near them and upon them , what the change meant in detail , is revealed to us in the poetry of John Clare , who was born in 1793 on the edge of the heath country of northern Northamptonshire .
13 I managed to keep afloat then till , as I said we found this half a lifeboat and there was couple of fellows and er I managed to swim over to that and pull myself up on it and for there the inflatable off the standby boat came alongside , picked us up and put us on then standby boat .
14 Each one had a spiral staircase the length of a lighthouse leading up to it and at the top lived a teacher .
15 Wes smiled and looked up at me and for a moment the tough mask dropped from the grubby features and in the dark wild eyes I read sheer delight .
16 In the words of Aboriginal novelist Colin Johnson : ‘ Life goes on within you and without you .
17 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
18 Then , when you married John I … well , I just hoped that things would work out for you and for Fiona and myself .
19 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
20 In Eternity , like the madman in the story who got rid of his devils when they were driven out of him and into the swine , Russia will sit healed at the feet of Jesus .
21 Except the life has gone out of me and in some curious way I hardly care . ’
22 On one side were rows and rows of furrowed earth with tufts of green leaves sticking out of them and on the other , far side , stood a large cluster of trees dripping with apples and pears .
23 ‘ I make men out of them and for that I 'm at fault .
24 Tiny strangled sobs floated out of it and across the room .
25 And he came running out behind us and at the back this massive puzzle and he slipped over in the mud sli slide straight forward and into the .
26 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
27 Hooker , Glynn Mann got them back into it and after that there was no contest .
28 ‘ Oh , God , no , ’ she husked pitifully as Fernando suddenly drew back from her and with eyes hooded with desire and power he let himself sink below the water .
29 Yes , Claire walked out on me and on our marriage .
30 He tried many of them out on himself and on his family and friends , and noted the effects produced by each .
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