Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 This will involve tone as much as doctrine , but he would be as ill-advised to go on about the Government 's intention of building a classless society , which it ca n't build anyway , as to adopt the easy belief that the climate of opinion can be left to look after itself while ministers get on with the practical business of government .
2 We wo n't be able to nod off as news presenters drone on about the world 's woes and mother-in-laws ring with the latest family crisis .
3 In homes across the States millions of Americans were switching on for an evening 's viewing .
4 ‘ He 's in there and you 're out here , carrying on for the children 's sake .
5 When the earl died without male issue in 1373 , he was taken on as a king 's knight by Edward III who , in addition to confirming the earl 's grant , awarded him an annuity for life of £50 .
6 Mr Pierre Mauroy , an ex-prime minister and party workhorse , will stay on as the party 's first secretary .
7 I went in through the Marsden 's revolving doors for my first treatment thinking : ‘ This is the beginning . ’
8 The DHAC and NILP supporters sought to get back into the chamber ; finding the doors locked , they got in through the mayor 's parlour and were joined in the gallery by Alderman Hegarty and Councillor Friel .
9 In through the cracker 's open end go hats and gifts .
10 The Inspirals settle down for a night 's kip on the 800 mile drive up to the moonlit coast to Seattle for tomorrow 's gig .
11 In the old days before the distracting influences of radio and television , the fixed routine of the adult inhabitants after the day 's work was done was to settle down for an evening 's knitting , a craft both men and women practised assiduously , on the outside galleries in summer and by candlelight in front of a peat fire in winter .
12 In March Begum Zia was sworn in as the country 's first woman Prime Minister [ see p. 38102 ] .
13 This switch was intended to enable Roshanara to retain her influence by stepping in as the child 's regent .
14 The tale is in fact carefully tied in as the Shipman 's Tale at the beginning of fragment VII , with an endlink that binds it to the Prioress 's Tale that follows it .
15 Alain came in as the doctor 's car left the house and he stood at the foot of the bed and regarded her sternly .
16 Panic has set in as the league 's Draconian restructuring unfolds with four clubs relegated from Division One and seven from Division Two .
17 In the middle ages Margaret had had a wonderful time ; women had understood then that it was not to other mothers that you turn in childbirth , it is to those women who have lived it , who have been down between the dragon 's teeth , have travelled the dragons ' pathways and have lurked in the dark and boiling belly of pain , have been chewed and digested and emerged .
18 Victims first know that they are marked down as the tiger 's next meal when those enormously powerful front feet hit them .
19 It is understood Tory Councillor Bill Woodhead will step down as the borough 's top civic dignitary after being charged with hitting his wife just hours after being elected .
20 On Feb. 21 Nakasone stepped down as the faction 's leader in favour of Michio Watanabe .
21 The show is hip and happening , dude : the audience looks as if it has just walked in off the King 's Road , the post-modernish set is ultra-cool , the show 's titles are dazzling , the best I 've seen on British television .
22 PUPILS at a Middlesbrough school welcomed the Bishop of Whitby into their classrooms when he called in for a day 's visit .
23 Outside Israel , passengers can check in for a rival 's flight later and without so much hassle .
24 Male activists are out every night unless they stay in for the wife 's one night out .
25 Send the form to your local social security office , and you 'll be sent claim form BW 1 to be completed in order to receive the book of orders to cash in for the widow 's allowance .
26 The size and range of the country 's sex business may mean that Thailand is in for the world 's fastest upswing in HIV infection .
27 If there 's any oil or gas , they 'll hit it in about a fortnight 's time at 4,000ft — 5,000ft :
28 In about a month 's time . ’
29 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
30 Last autumn Mr Alton threatened to stand down after the party 's Harrogate conference endorsed a strong pro-abortion line .
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