Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact there is little natural water hereabouts ; what there is usually disappears down cracks and fissures , tumbling down sunless waterfalls and on through subterranean channels to reappear some distance lower down in the valleys .
2 No she does to you though cos she 's always going on about other people talking about other people .
3 could n't tell you but er these cars turned up erm , there were n't no hearse and off they went and er course when I went up the garden to get some washing in Claire came up and er anyway she said er about Mr and I said well I assume it was him , I saw Mrs and she starts on about this dog barking out in the garden again !
4 I mean , what would you do if you were a lawyer and a boy came in and started yapping on about missing Wills like in some kid 's story ?
5 Immigration laws inherited from the former East German state , which were due to expire on January 1st , are being allowed to carry on for Soviet Jews arriving in Berlin .
6 Peter Wood relinquished the Chairmanship of RBIC , and RBIS , to Chris Pearson , Director of Private and Offshore Banking and Director , South of England in October 1992 when the rapid growth of Direct Line made greater demands on Peter 's time ; Norman , who had been due to retire at that time , was asked to stay on for two years to see the restructuring process completed .
7 The controversy smouldered on for several years fuelled by the entrenched views of some of the judges .
8 But the Westland affair lingered on for some time to come .
9 It 's the latest run in in a dispute which has been rumbling on for some weeks betweenthe Post office and the National Communications union .
10 The council has also set up a hotline on for local people to ring if they suffer excessive noise .
11 The search is now on for more negatives to eliminate .
12 Louise came up for the funeral and stayed on for three weeks to give moral support .
13 But a war of sorts , and prejudice lingers on as new owners search for finance — in Japan .
14 He came on after 51 minutes to replace the injured Francis , then was hauled off 11 minutes from the end in favour of Nigel Pearson .
15 We then move over to the er jus , what is called site two and , on that we 'll be doing another twenty one houses for rent to your your nominees with a further two units for special needs and the balance of the site can be made er available for shared ownership , which is another thirteen properties and the timetable for that is set to follow on after this site 's been completed so that 's why the phase has been er , changed to nineteen ninety five in your reports .
16 Fresh water was brought in through leaden pipes built by Italian craftsmen , there were even privies , and underground streams cleaned the sewers .
17 Another important change is that the time periods laid down for these notices do not commence until the end of the day in which notice is given .
18 going for a that was brilliant I got and that , and I tried , I had a whole box of er , erm , thing is , when you hold a thousand rounds of ammunition , I got given about two thirds of this box all for myself , so I 'm there for about three hours before the exercise I had and then put the rest in the then we sat down for another hour filling them up again , superb , we had loads of bung in the windows grenades
19 I do n't know if I agree with this , giving seven year old , three hours tests , erm , I do n't , see the child is , I mean can you just see sit Benjamin sitting down for three hours doing a test ?
20 Only down for last darts match .
21 Schools have a tendency to call in parents on their own terms only : the genuine involvement of parents must include curriculum development , not just being brought in as cheap labour to read stories in the classroom .
22 The assiduous Cyril Cooper has stepped down as General Secretary to become vice-chairman and was recently honoured at a special lunch at Lord 's .
23 Another big reshuffle could come in 18 months to two years , by which time Mr Patten could be back in Parliament and Mr Douglas Hurd , having helped lead Britain 's presidency of the EC in the second half of this year , may have decided to step down as Foreign Secretary to pursue another career .
24 Claims for damages against British accountancy firms have proliferated since the 1970s , when the aggressively litigious environment that US accountants had operated in for many years spread to the UK .
25 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
26 as colleagues who are involved will know is just about the only industry in the building materials sector that has n't made some kind of pay offer in this current round it 's very much bringing up the rear and we 're determined to use what industrial strength we have to change the employer 's stance otherwise we 're very concerned that the national negotiation missionary , this will be his death knell since we 'll have to resort to local pay bargaining , so the short answer is E C C er , will be balloted as far as the G M B is concerned union and , er , T & G are balloting in for industrial action to try to change the employers ' position .
27 Small groups went in for spasmodic cattle thieving with familiar equipment and familiar methods , including blackmail .
28 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
29 ‘ We 've 27 turned out at home and I could bring any of them in for all weather racing at any time .
30 Almost two thirds of the £6.75 billion worth of tax increases already pencilled in for 1994-95 will fall on personal incomes , only a third will be fall on spending .
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