Example sentences of "[adv prt] [subord] it [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Anything 'll cut down if it has to .
2 The Austrians joined in because it seemed to them the best way to avoid a resuscitation of ‘ big Bulgaria ’ .
3 Now you want to bring your cursor down till it points to March .
4 But they put their foot down when it came to maths and they caught me grappling with the colour scheme of a kestrel .
5 We know looks are n't everything , but there 's no doubt that a well-groomed image will win hands down when it comes to first impressions .
6 THE MEDITERRANEAN still wins hands down when it comes to providing cheap family holidays abroad offering plenty of sunshine , sea and sand .
7 It just shows , I think , how vigilant Councillors need to be when you get all these documents , and you do get many of them if you 're a District County Councillor , and how necessary it is for you to read them and study them and to remember because these things are very very important when they 're put in when it goes to higher authority at that time .
8 Now unless you 're a skinhead of the old school , or have been time-warped for twenty years , parkas are not exactly in when it comes to neat threads .
9 Now the eighteen-forties sees the development of manufacturing process , clothes are getting easier and easier to make , cheaper and cheaper , so fashion is changing faster because people can afford to , whereas in earlier times , if you wore a woollen dress , it had been you know , you know , somebody had done the sheep for you , had spun the wool and woven the wool and you were damned if you were going to take this dress off until it fell to pieces round you .
10 But there will always be a hard core , roaring down a bottomless lane in an A70 pick-up with no piston rings and ninety degrees of play in the steering , white cricket cap pulled down over watering eyes , sheepdog barking its head off as it rushes to and fro in the cargo department .
11 The British , it seems , are n't easily put off when it comes to enjoying a picnic .
12 This simple , naive and incomprehensible blunder established Scotland 's reputation as the team most likely to screw up when it came to a big match preparation .
13 I know a fair amount about how the machine works and I have made myself slow up when it comes to finishing off ( I have to be very careful to inspect all seams , knowing my friend 's beady eye will be on the work ! ) .
14 NELLIE Rogers should shut up when it comes to interfering in somebody 's personal life .
15 Would rather a cat be out cos it wants to be out .
16 And really it has to be said and has to be said historically that I mean the army in a way was left with a job which politicians should have sorted out before it got to that stage .
17 We 'll take it out before it objects to it I think .
18 But it can affect the way the rig interacts and I 'm pointing it out as it relates to all rack systems , not just those based upon a JMP-1 .
19 I would have the gearbox checked out as it seems to be at fault .
20 For many of us it was a huge disappointment ; a paradox , too , that a people who had proved themselves historically and geographically over and over again , who had shown a rare talent for managing the affairs of other people , should choose to chicken out when it came to managing their own .
21 Felix Lunt , a health visitor working in Rotherham , with experience of running a well-man clinic , believes that men miss out when it comes to routine health screening and body awareness .
22 Now , having strutted their stuff so successfully in the business arena , the Taiwanese want to show their arch-rivals — Japan and South Korea — that they had also better watch out when it comes to rugby and September 's Asian Rugby Football Tournament in Seoul .
23 This is a highly competitive field and I did n't want them to rule me out when it comes to promotion because they think I lack commitment .
24 American sports particularly stand out when it comes to style over content .
25 They often help each other out when it comes to time off and holidays . ’
26 SHAKESPEARE 'S GOT nothing to worry about when it comes to finding a bit of competition in the prose states .
27 SHAKESPEARE 'S GOT nothing to worry about when it comes to finding a bit of competition in the prose states .
28 I must have underestimated the benefit of my practice with the neighbour 's cat , since my attempt seemed to sail on and on before it thudded to the ground .
29 And likes your light on when it goes to bed .
30 The R450 handles special tunings equally well and it 's also spot on when it comes to setting up guitars ; if this tuner shows your intonation to be out then it 's out .
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