Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If Lahore symbolized military power , Victoria Terminus represented a scientific and commercial dominance which could suck in and re-process a whole range of other cultures .
2 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
3 It 's just a question of finding the right people to bring in and form a fashion-design group .
4 Catastrophes would serve a useful function in killing off the old species just as the conditions were changing , leaving the world clear for the Creator to step in and design a whole new population adapted to the environment that would stabilize after the upheaval .
5 If we 're going to go in and make a positive impact in certain parts of the region , erm then both my staff and myself and our colleagues who are working in the arts in the region have got to pull even harder together to make sure that we can make the partnership between us bureaucrats and the artist really be as effective as possible for the broadest range of the community .
6 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
7 But er we shall be without him for the next fortnight erm so somebody 'll have to come in and score a few goals for us but often you know , you discover things that erm you never knew were there when you have to fill in gaps that have suddenly arisen .
8 Now it looks as though the Council of Europe might step in and establish a small network of centres of excellence for postgraduate research and training .
9 ‘ It should be a warning to them that if they 're really serious about fighting drug abuse , they need to step in and take a leading role .
10 A festive atmosphere encourages children to join in and have a good time , and decoration of the room or home can be helpful .
11 The great thing about drilling is that it can be fun , but remember not to spend too much time on one particular drill , since boredom can easily set in and have a disruptive influence .
12 ‘ He 's intending to drop in and have a social drink with a few of them in the next day or so , have lunch or dinner , participate in old boys ’ chat , that sort of thing . ’
13 In what other job might you call in and use a hot air balloon to appear over a city on a publicity stunt and that same afternoon sit in on a seminar which you have arranged as a scientific event ?
14 War may not be an overall preference ( Lenin was particularly fond of Clausewitz 's remark that the aggressor would prefer to walk in and occupy a foreign territory peacefully rather than fight for it ) ; but if it is the most effective way of achieving an aim , it is necessary to pursue it .
15 Walker faces his old club , Nottingham Forest , today in the Makita Trophy , saying : ‘ If I can get in and get a good start and play well I 'll be happy .
16 Since no scientist was prepared to sit down and do a comparable amount of research in order to demolish a theory which seemed so patently to be a load of rubbish , they all simply cried ‘ Rubbish ! ’ and stamped their feet .
17 In the wake of the War of Independence , Americans were able to sit down and generate a political system from first principles .
18 He added : ‘ It is not a political reality to say that we would sit down and negotiate a new treaty with 11 members without Denmark . ’
19 So far , man has described and named about 700,000 of them and there are certainly three or four times as many still unnamed , awaiting the attentions of anyone who has the time , patience and knowledge to sit down and make a systematic review of them .
20 Because it obliges you to sit down and make a careful observation of the chosen subject , you discover so much more than by just pointing a camera .
21 The other essential is to land well clear of any obstructions , because a wing can so easily go down and cause a bad swing as you slow down after landing .
22 He said that a man who 's gon na build a , build something , let's put it in a modern setting , the man who 's gon na , a man and woman , a couple are gon na put an extension on their house , they do n't just go down and buy a few dozen bricks , er , and a bag cement and start , they work out how much it 's gon na cost them first of all .
23 But I believe that what you should do with trying to come to estimates of housing provision , is to put together the best technical assumptions that you can , to then sit down and take a long hard look at the figures based on the erm the policies of the County Council as approved by the Secretary of State in previous structure plan approvals , the current government policy .
24 ‘ I 'm under constant pressure from the family to settle down and raise a huge brood , but the thought just leaves me cold . ’
25 When I 've had this tea I 'll go down and get a cut one
26 Oh , do n't tell me more about your bloody I ca n't be bothered to bend down and get a white T-shirt .
27 You got letters from home , from your father asking when you were going to settle down and get a proper job , or were you going to be an ‘ eternal student ’ ?
28 BELFAST jockey Pat McWilliams is beginning to settle down and ride a few winners since he returned from England before Christmas facing an uncertain future .
29 ‘ We could be here for hours , ’ said Wilson , into whose tired brain had crept the thought that they could just sit down and have a little sleep until they were found .
30 They came here to settle down and have a happy life .
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