Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [adv] we [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I was , I said to the youngsters yesterday , I says I 'll tell you what we 'll do , we 'll just take your trainers tomorrow , or we 'll go down the town and put your competition paintings in and then we 'll come round and get the bus up home , and then I thought ah the hell with it we 'll go on down to York Street
2 As you say they 've got ta come down and probably we 'll have to talk to them .
3 No hard and fast rules can be laid down but generally we will wish to impart minimum information to obtain maximum in return .
4 What I think the danger is there , from a Conservative political perspective , is that having , having , Liberals having with us if you like , got the principle through , Liberals may then go with the Labour party and say right we 've got the principle through , we 've identified four homes , let's have a refurbishment programme , a bit of airport money here , a bit of slippage there and we 'll get this through and then we 'll tackle the problem of closures and if closures is proving difficult let's ignore it for a year , let's do these four and let's go on .
5 ‘ Let's get this weekend over and then we 'll discuss things in detail , ’ Vitor cut in impatiently .
6 I 've put the kettle on and then we 'll have another cup of tea in a minute .
7 Yeah , that 's right , I 'll just pop the kettle on and then we 'll start to find another , oh well done Anthy , well done .
8 I 'll phone up and then we ought to get you something .
9 Well , let's just do let's just do two more and see if the As can can catch up and then we 'll carry it on I have n't finished yet , we 'll carry the game on and remember the score .
10 Right let me get cleared up and then we 'll go into Bromley .
11 Okay then , well you do a bit of green then , I 'll tidy up and then we 'll carry on
12 I said Well look , you go and get the policeman I 'll ring my solicitor up and then we 'll sort it out from there .
13 pick you up and then we can sail off to lunch .
14 Come on , eat up and then we can go and watch the end of the Grand Prix as well , ca n't we ?
15 But I must say I 'm very encouraged to see the numbers of women who are applying to do subjects like chemistry and physics is going up and certainly we would applaud that sort of activity .
16 Er , so you can say that er Mr is a friend of pensioner 's , he said , he said he would be prepared to , what I , I , I approached him and said er , what about Harlow Caring Council , are they prepared to assist the pensioners in any way or do they wish to join in on this , oh yes he said , of course Norman he said , how much are you paying er Ron I said well his asking forty pound for the , for the morning , oh he said I 'll go half way with that , then he came out and said to me , pull me up afterwards and ask me to go to leisure services about the Tuesday , and so I 'm still following that up and hopefully we will have two days on pensioner 's week , because you want to have as much impact as possible and in a few moments , when I nearly finished here , I shall be reading you something where you 'll see that it is important that we make an impact on the people of Harlow .
17 They ca n't keep us here for ever , one day we 'll get out and then we 'll let them know about it .
18 Just keep , just , in fact just keep well le let's get it sorted out and then we 'll just get er er cos plenty of storage space and stuff .
19 out and then we 'll move into the front room
20 And we 'd shut them out shunt them out and then we 'd collect the two coaches and take them over to the main yard , and put them under a cleaning platform you see for the cleaners .
21 Go there sometimes about four o'clock give them a feed out and then we used to I used to stay there in a small shelter there .
22 Right , well see how things go , what I would do is enquire in about a week whether that letter has come back and then we can arrange to see you .
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