Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [pers pn] 're [verb] " in BNC.

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1 some support , you 're going in or you 're using one of the policy
2 But people now are coming in and they 're expecting everything to be here .
3 Yeah they go in and they 're laughing they 're l they 're laughing like mad for so long and it 's so funny .
4 President , I 'd like to er , offer thanks on behalf of my membership in the Process and Construction Section , on the false agreement , it was a very successful week and just to echo Keith 's words , those links that we made are working and we are in correspondence with the , our colleagues in and we 're picking that up in terms of recruitment .
5 sitting in and we 're trying to split them up cos we do n't want too
6 I said , ‘ You 're going to get mobbed coming in and you 're going to get mobbed going out , so you 'd better look good coming in and going out ’ .
7 They could see no reason why he would turn them down and they 're setting the paperwork in motion to put
8 Cathy when I was in hospital in er a physiotherapy bit , where they , where they brought children in , erm there was this little girl and like she was riding round on a little bike , you know , so she 's quite , quite old and she had er , in , in brace , but her legs were like out at the side and her feet were pointing down and they 're pointing up , I 'm just a bit confused .
9 I 'm thinking towards the eastern European countries , for example , where one is told , or has been led to believe they were aiming for classlessness and what 's happening th barriers are coming down and they 're heading towards our capitalist society as a
10 broken down and we 're going out to tow
11 Yeah , but you 've got your feet down and you 're towing summat , and then suddenly it releases , it just goes er forward a bit dun n it ?
12 The fact is , something really f—ed up is gon na happen in one year , two years into your relationship ; someone 's gon na f— you over or you 're gon na f— them over .
13 but erm they 're coming over and they 're coming to our house on the Thursday and on the Saturday morning we 're driving down to which is down near .
14 they 're they 're going have extension built I mean I they 're gon na use it at Christmas family coming over and they 're gon na have their Christmas dinner out there .
15 Pu our own Putney has been awarded the medal of honour , sixth highest medal of honour for erm services to the Danish industry and he 's coming over and they 're having a a caviar and champagne reception at the Danish Embassy and now the Queen of Denmark Queen Margarite is coming over .
16 In our particular ministry in St Louis Missouri we are trying to use the vast technology that 's available to us in linking up with other organizations such as Catholic charities , Salvation Army and others , so that when persons are in need of help they can go to one organization and tell their story and they do n't have to keep going from place to place telling their story over and over and we 're beginning to look toward the use of computers and what they are capable of doing in order to help resources stretch .
17 Because everything that 's in our lives and is displeasing to God can surely be put into the chair of judgement , ad the power turn on and they 're gone .
18 And if you have , are sort of screwed on and they 're put underneath erm , until you sort of , type locks cos anything else .
19 More people have been taken on and they 're working a sixty hour week to keep up .
20 They struck gold in Kalgorlie in 1893. 100 years on and they 're celebrating another major rush .
21 There seems to be a rush to get on and we 're papering cracks .
22 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
23 But because when you got the , you think you got the heating on and you 're paying for the heating , and you open the windows .
24 It was like watching a film or a play and you 're totally caught up in what 's going on and you 're taken out of yourself and everything suddenly has colour and meaning and magic and you forget that outside the rain 's tippling down and tomorrow 's homework has n't been done and you 've got to wash the car to pay Dad back for the money you borrowed to come to the film because you were skint till the end of next week .
25 But surely the problem is that time 's cracking on and you 're gon na have to start thinking about the Taylor Report recommendations .
26 Get yourself on the course that Paul went on and you 're gon na be getting the kit soon anyway , as part of the network , it wo n't give you stand alone , but you have to have somebody on the network
27 At a point with ‘ Arc ’ I said ‘ OK , we 're off and we 're flying , this is distorted and grunged out to the max ’ .
28 Give you a load of bloody pots and you take it off and we 're standing around looking for it !
29 Their staff are laid off and they 're pulling the pints at lunchtime are n't they ?
30 July the first more members er in , in , in local authorities than er than we 've got in the whole of our union right and we 've got twenty five per cent of our membership in , in local authorities and we 're getting hammered and we 're also getting at the same time privatization , we 're seeing local authorities being broken up and we 're seeing a creation of large numbers of employers .
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