Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [adj] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 But everybody overeats , but most people , I mean they 're , if you look at the rubbish that we , that we push into ourselves that we should n't push in and that 's the bit that causes the damages
2 You did n't you could n't come out any other way , just the one way in and that was the finish of it .
3 down and that 's a difficult that 's a judgement that have to make .
4 Their world is turned upside down and that 's the first stage to changing it completely .
5 Well I 'm glad you should say that because the bonuses have gone down and that was a
6 So they dig a trench right down and this is the number of the trench .
7 ‘ It 's a pretty tight situation to be in but that is the way the game goes , ’ he said .
8 And that 's where I used to work in but that 's the reason I left , because I thought actually some of them was getting kind of uppish .
9 Erm basically we 've spent more than we 've erm taken in but that was a deliberate policy agreed on by the committee we 've already mentioned Norman 's flats erm that has been a most worthwhile expenditure and we 've got to look at that as a long-term investment because we 've got flats which are going to last for years and our expenditure which was getting on for fifteen hundred pounds will not have to be repeated .
10 If Dunn admitted he owed Rich the money he claimed , and he had it — he was always going to pay but just forgot — he paid it over and that was the end of the matter .
11 So on one of these , I should n't be looking at that one , that 's what threw me cos first of all I did n't know you had n't got any income and then I turned that over and that was the previous policy where you were a veterinary surgeon with eighteen thousand , I thought I 'm sure that 's not right
12 And , like , most of them will move on and that 's the end of it , but , like , you can get the real bad ones .
13 Can we go on and that 's the bill for the tables is it ?
14 The never-slow-on-the-uptake Miss Minogue was not about to lose control of the carefully constructed image she had worked so hard on and that was a victory which put many a sharp-practising lensman on his guard from then on .
15 You made one wrong diagnosis early on and that was the end , was n't it ?
16 you take the brown paper off and this is the wall paper underneath and I 'll take that bit off
17 As for a recipe , you pick these recipes up and that 's a stupid blooming herb
18 I 've made my mind up and that 's the way it 's gon na be !
19 So that was one job a and then we had a big used to beg for a an old sack from the stores and open that out and er I used to wash them wash it and get it very soft and clean and hang that up and that 's the way used to clean and keep ourselves cl hands clean .
20 What I am trying to do is to , is to question the wisdom of introducing more rules and regulations and every time I try and raise this issue , whether it be in standing committee or on the floor of the house , quite understandably the chairman or the speaker , deputy speaker in your case , raises the point that in fact I 'm going outside the rules and regulations and the result is you can never challenge the whole principle because every time one tries to challenge it one gets up and that 's the disease I 'm afraid we 've now er facing in this country .
21 No , no just went in ordinary civilian wear , girls sometimes had some overalls because they were handling the ticket boxes , they were metal , they got wet , they rusted up and that was a filthy job for there was really , in those days it was a two box system , a man drew his box which contained a certain amount of tickets of different variable classes and erm , it was listed on a waybill , he was given a half an hour to check his box and join his bus at town centre .
22 I can remember when Malmsteen hit , everybody was getting very technically geared up and that was the thing .
23 A Lycoming in good condition is usually easy to fire up and these were no exception .
24 ‘ We look like going out and that 's a shame because we might learn a bit more .
25 ‘ I know he 's tired out and that 's the way he relaxes , but I long to switch the television off and make him listen to me , ’ she complained .
26 Fires are better prevented than put out and that 's the way the Profitboss views it , preferring to learn from the problem rather than go on a witch-hunt and blame someone for it .
27 If you 're guilty , you 're out and that 's the way it should be .
28 Daisy , of course , found out and that was the end of their independence .
29 That that was so was originally was available for the ticket you could actually have some supper before you went in or perhaps supper when you came out and that was the sort of thing that was available .
30 That is , it it it petered out and that was the end of the road you see .
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