Example sentences of "[vb infin] place [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Foucault is actually arguing that ‘ control ’ need not take place through the direct and constant surveillance of individuals by authorities .
2 But this , in an age of mass politics , could only take place under a totalitarian dictatorship which destroyed parliamentary government and ruled through a politico-administrative bureaucracy .
3 The Australian Wine Bureau has launched an innovative National Tennis Tournament , the finals of which will take place under the watchful eye of former British Davis Cup captain , the Australian Warren Jacques , at the Queen 's Club in September .
4 But there is no late date set into the legislation , only that ratification when it is required means that from the first of the following month then the elections on the new constituency boundaries may take place under the new er European rules so that a decision is of course for an election in June er is in fact needed by the first of May .
5 the whole place was gon na come to a halt if anybody fired a flash gun and furiously Fred grabbed the royal people and I grabbed the Finns and we started reorganising the present so they could take place under the enormous great windows that there are in and nobody had said at any time a flash gun will stop the machines .
6 I think particularly of consultation on change , which must take place under the social charter but which has not been observed .
7 The critical talks , which centre on future TV cash , will take place under the independent gaze of Professor Sir John Wood , who was also present on Monday when Premier League chief executive Rick Parry first approached Taylor in an attempt to end the impasse .
8 Discussions on a bridging fund to help the authority weather the changeover would take place with the Northern Regional Health Authority , he said .
9 The government side insisted that a truce be agreed before discussions could take place on a new constitution which would provide for multiparty politics and free elections .
10 But , before delegation of cases to local judges could take place on a wide scale , there needed to be a manual of existing canon law as recognized in the West .
11 The author has felt that these latter efforts have not in some way brought out the real flavour of the game in the sense that the play does not take place on a real pitch , surrounded by players who get in the way of run-making and occasionally do their stuff by bowling the batsman out or sending him back to the pavilion by some other means .
12 Duncan and Goodwin claim that state institutions are invaluable in the management and organization of the differentiated and spatially variable societies typical of capitalism , and that to be successful such state intervention should take place on a local as well as a national level .
13 That co-operation will take place on an intergovernmental basis outside the treaty of Rome .
14 The briefings will take place on an informal basis , however , and will not be specific to individual firms .
15 All future courses will take place on the popular ex-Great Western design Collett 0–6–0 No. 3205 , built in 1948 , which has a large well laid out cab and easy-to-use controls .
16 The proposed environmental impact assessment at the site will still take place for the new project and will include evaluation of high temperature and rotary kiln incineration , as well as new technologies .
17 Whatever the circumstances an open and frank discussion must take place between the new employee and her manager at the earliest opportunity .
18 At the outbreak of World War I , both informed and common opinion held that a major , probably decisive , naval action would soon take place between the British and German fleets .
19 Meetings shall take place between the responsible ministers of the two states as necessary on topics of mutual interest …
20 The hon. Gentleman will be aware that the changes will take place over a four-year period .
21 He now thought that speciation could take place across a continuous territory if the conditions at the extremes of a species ' range were different enough to promote distinct ecological specializations .
22 The failure to recall the current gear suggests that gear changing often does take place without a specific episodic memory being formed , in fact it is likely that this is the normal state of affairs , the relative infrequency of the failure being reported probably simply reflects the fact that the need for conscious awareness of the current gear is itself rare .
23 No retro-bolting should take place without a common consensus of opinion , including that of the first ascentionists .
24 Successful though holidays may be they would not take place without a large bank balance .
25 The third lesson is that local economic development can not take place without an overall strategy for national and regional development .
26 The first night of Leonore would take place without the usual audience of wealthy and fashionable Viennese .
27 The major part of teaching , motivating and assessing what has been learned should take place outside the diabetic clinic .
28 Using a type one slot means that PCMCIA devices — such as modem cards — can not be used , instead all communications will take place via an inbuilt RS-232 socket .
29 In order to avoid disputes and unnecessary duplication of effort , where work requires remeasurement this will take place at a joint meeting of the builder 's surveyor and the sub-contractor .
30 While this is not insignificant ( a weakness of the lecture or the teacher-directed lesson is that it must take place at a pre-set time irrespective of student readiness ) it is hardly Liberty Hall .
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