Example sentences of "[vb infin] over the [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The manager and the members of staff sit down and they agree over the last twelve months which of these bits of training have you had either on the job or as forward training they are ticked off , what do you need over the next six months , let's make a programme .
2 We cooked dinner , packed up things we did not need over the next two days and had a group meeting to discuss the itinerary for our journey home .
3 NORTH West businesses have ‘ some optimism ’ that economic conditions will improve over the next six months , according to an independent survey of more than 1,000 companies carried out before the election .
4 The hole would appear over the next 20 years at Hemerdon , just outside Plymouth — the scene of western Europe 's biggest deposit of tungsten .
5 Almost alone among its peers , Britain will see over the next 20 years a small decline in its old-age dependency ratio ( the number of people aged over 65 as a proportion of the working population ) .
6 That level of investment , currently running at £1 billion a year , will be sustained by the Government over the public expenditure planning period which runs for the next three years and , I am quite confident , will run over the next 10 years .
7 Unless there is a transfer of resources of the dimension that is necessary in terms of trade agreements and aid , we are not beginning to tackle the problem of economic migration , which I forecast will be the greatest problem that Europe and other parts of the world will face over the next 50 years .
8 ‘ Obviously it 's not good enough and I 'll decide over the next 48 hours what I am going to do .
9 He is still cautious about forecasting what will happen over the next two months , but reckons that Tie Rack 's low-priced , high value ranges should be just the thing to tempt recession-bashed Christmas shoppers .
10 And in a way er and this is a story I think is gon na develop over the next six months or a year .
11 Imbert regards ‘ Moore Intime ’ as a long-term venture which he will exploit over the next ten years in France , Japan and the US .
12 At the end of two or three hours a character has emerged , one that he will refine over the next ten days , but it is essentially there now .
13 Gulfstream holds twelve letters of intent and initial deposits which it hopes to convert to firm contracts this month , and says that market studies suggest that the worldwide fleet of large bizjets will double over the next twelve years through increased globalisation of major businesses , fuelling demand for ultra long range aircraft .
14 It is projected that the numbers involved in the industry will double over the next five years .
15 One EC study predicts that another 20% of Europe 's defence-sector jobs will disappear over the next two or three years .
16 If this pace kept up , 10,000 buildings classed as ‘ historic ’ would disappear over the next twenty-five years .
17 If you are concerned about how Lothian Region might change over the next fifteen years or so , this leaflet will be of interest to you .
18 This is followed by a question on how it will change over the next twelve months .
19 Much has changed in the European energy picture over the past decade and much will change over the next two , yet one central preoccupation persists and will persist , and that is Europe 's dependence on imported oil .
20 The government defends the plan on the grounds of the $70 million revenue it will supposedly attract over the next 25 years .
21 British Gas reported that 2,400 jobs will go over the next two years , in addition to 800 redundancies last year and 1,200 job losses from its London headquarters announced last month .
22 Cedric Brown , its chief executive , said the jobs would go over the next 18 months .
23 If not are not interested in Media Action , could you let me know what other kind of publicity you may require over the next four to six weeks .
24 " I 'm still comparatively young for a composer , " he has said , " and I think my main body of work will probably come over the next 10 to 15 years . "
25 The increase will not be matched by dividend rises — too many companies have been paying more than they could afford over the past two years and need to repair their reserves and ratios — but 7 p.c. growth looks reasonable .
26 Hundreds of pilots will retire over the next two years and all the signs are that the airlines are poised to grow strongly from now on . ’
27 However , historians and contra-cyclical investors may argue that there have been few five year periods since the Second World War when deposits have outperformed equities — and stock markets should revive over the next five years .
28 Ethylene overcapacity may extend over the next 3–5 years and ‘ potentially could be with us throughout the decade if many of the plants now under study phase come to fruition ’ .
29 7 more will open over the next two years .
30 Can I ask over the last six seven years what local companies have funded the playhouse and to what level ? and how many of actually withdrawn and the reasons why they actually withdrawn ?
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