Example sentences of "[vb infin] how it [be] that " in BNC.

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1 I could not understand how it was that they were discussing so placidly Jean-Claude 's current compositional ideas for the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ .
2 When Svidrigailov and Porfiry , who never meet — bold again — and who have nothing to do with each other , both tell Raskolnikov that a man needs air , my business is to try and suggest how it is that Dostoevsky 's reader finds himself in immediate dual touch with a Petersburg july day and a universal truth .
3 At times when I sensed that the gulf between Jean-Claude and me was so wide as to be almost unbridgeable , I would wonder how it was that our love-making had lost nothing of its fervour .
4 Neither of them was capable of searching out any fairy-tale kink in the more drab theories of evolution which might explain how it is that a frog taken ( however reluctantly ) into the soft bed of a princess can be changed overnight back into a prince .
5 His reference to faith may explain how it is that he is able to conceive of the notion of absolute Truth which he calls God .
6 If we are going to start looking into where money has gone , let us examine how it was that the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) had a job for two months and a £100,000 pay-off and a Mercedes for a penny .
7 At this point we may ask how it is that speakers go about creating linguistically the persona which they animate at any one particular time .
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