Example sentences of "[vb infin] down [conj] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 For those who become involved at a stage when there is a high degree of frailty , there are many sensitive decisions in daily caring which can slow down or halt the progress of dependence .
2 Halidon was no great mount , a mere five hundred feet high , but it was sufficiently steep on that west side , after the slow plodding through the bog , to greatly slow down and disperse the advance .
3 It means that our no. 8 can stay down and help the shove .
4 Let the hall fall down and let the so-called experts quarrel elsewhere .
5 On the other hand , if the peregrine was flying high up , above the pigeon , it would have the advantage , because it could swoop down and break the pigeon 's neck .
6 But , the sa the very same organisms responsible for that relatively moderate appearance can also produce blocked er region of Prince Charles , the carbuncle with which in it 's most er florid form can break down and produce the series , but really effectively interconnecting .
7 From here , up in the windy pier gardens , you could look down and watch the trippers .
8 Bill might lean down and poke the crumbling framework .
9 The haul up the corrie takes you to the first peak , Tom na Gruagaich , from where you must drop down and follow the ridge to the summit of Beinn Alligin , and although that 's where we packed it in , the walk could continue along a stunning ridge to cross the famous horns of Alligin , two pointy crags that stand like gateposts over a terrifying gully .
10 It was decided that George should ride down and rob the drowsing boy while Joseph would stay behind to head off any aid he might be able to summon .
11 That was , that was what the crew were getting four pound a week and course my father that time he done away with a cabin boy so I had to do more or less two jobs , see if I were n't working on deck I 'd go down and clean the cabins and that 's how , that 's how we kept the money going course then after a few years when they got to the finish about nineteen thirty one then the harbourmaster turned round and he ruc reduced our wages five shillings a week , so we were getting three pound fifteen a week .
12 I 'll go down and get the car out .
13 Give my love to Jean and maybe you 'll come down and bring the will wit you ?
14 You said I should come down and see the stables . ’
15 ‘ We did get down and do the job ! ’ murmurs Ian .
16 Rather than , sort of , go from Manchester by plane what , they decided they 'd drive down and take the car over so we were supposed to be going for a meal and they said , where shall we go for a meal ?
17 Go on then got ta sit down and do the list and see what and see what , what 's what Just now , you feel that warmth on you now ?
18 It was the usual pattern of finding something to do — anything — — rather than sit down and face the empty page , except that that day the uneasiness was extra .
19 Surely the head of DoE Road Safety and Government should sit down and watch the advert for Autoglass to realise the danger of this .
20 You know I asked you to commit yourself , how much do you think it 's worth for me to do all this kind of work and he 's , you 're confused because you think I 'm actually talking about money and I take the weight off your shoulders by saying no it 's not actually money , it 's in the form of two or three names , people open minded like yourself , who I can sit down and discuss the whole situation with
21 yes could we sit down and write the two of us some pages to put to this next meeting so that we have actually got some meat in front of us ?
22 ‘ They would sit down and ride the horses out like we do and I seriously doubt if the public would notice much difference . ’
23 PET ‘ HOTEL HATES ’ ( THE FREQUENT ONES ) * narrow stairs and no lifts * low shower pressure * telephone kiosks built for left-handed midgets * only one plug , down on the floor under the bed and 5AMP * hairdryers on 1m fixed lead from the floor socket 3m away from wall mirror facing opposite direction * just two 40 watt lamps to read and work by * toilet rolls positioned for contortionists only * room service that brings each course separately throughout Dallas * radiators that have n't been on for years * radiators that wo n't go off * basins that take half an hour to empty after you 've cleaned your teeth and you want to shave * stoppers that hang under the cold water tap but do n't reach the drain * stoppers that have no chain so you wallow in the dirty water to find them * toilets where you can sit down or close the door but not both
24 The second is to remove all of the fish , totally rearrange the rockwork and then put them back into the tank , including the new one and they should then soon settle down and establish the pecking order , which should also include the newcomer .
25 Make the bed — then you can lie down and take the weight off your feet while we talk .
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