Example sentences of "[vb infin] at [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But soon the big stories were written in the knowledge that readers would know at least the bare bones from a news bulletin , and the 24-hour cycle of the daily paper lost much of its point as a news medium .
2 This would include at least the following :
3 Once dissolved , there is no Parliament until the next one meets ; it is yet another endearingly eccentric feature of the constitution of this cradle of democracy that its law provides that , at least once in every five years , it shall undergo at least a short spell of autocracy .
4 This is something that you may feel a need to be sure of , and it is quite possible to devise tests which will give at least a good indication of the likely impact of the ad in these terms .
5 The inquiry will look at why a Civil Aviation Authority directive and British Aerospace alerts apparently failed to prevent the accident .
6 In particular , we will look at why the delinquent response is attractive to working-class male youth .
7 Next he 'll decide to go and look at how the new crimpling machine is working in the Wayfarer Bay .
8 Let us look at how the full set of English vowels might be analysed in terms of a small number of distinctive features .
9 He could only guess at where the angled metal of the sprung bolt might be , and hope that with sufficient working around the card would eventually ease it back .
10 Every school is required by law ( Education [ School Information ] Regulations 1981 and Education Reform Act 1988 , Circular 1988 , Circular 14/89 ) to produce a prospectus which must contain at least the following information :
11 The agenda for the preliminary meeting should contain at least the following :
12 Those who wish to apply for admission to these degrees should possess at least an upper second class honours degree or its equivalent and may well have a Masters ' degree .
13 Although some women with trichomonal infection in the vagina may remain symptomless , the majority will develop at least a vaginal discharge .
14 Residents pay for their care according to their means and all will have at least a minimum amount of money for personal use .
15 If there is a doubt as to its meaning , the question will usually have at least a central kernel of meaning that is relatively clear .
16 Candidates should have at least a good Second Class Honours degree ( or the equivalent ) .
17 The legal protection of Ritchie 's ancient monument will have at least a dual purpose ; the prevention of future damage to the structure , and the recognition of an addition to our heritage .
18 This does not mean that every doctor must marry a nurse and that a Greek professor should immediately set out to teach his bride Greek on their honeymoon , but partners do have the responsibility to educate each other in the basic rudiments of their profession so that when they begin to share their victories or challenges , the other will have at least a basic working knowledge to understand the story being told .
19 You will now have at least a nodding acquaintance with twelve reference books .
20 Moreover , those who have greatest need of the street should have at least an equal right to its use , so that children and elderly people .
21 Students should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence of the student 's aptitude for studies in philosophy .
22 Students must have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence that the student can convert successfully to the study of Philosophy .
23 An adequate extrapolation theory must have at least the following features :
24 Some outlandish schemes did reach at least the experimental stage , such as catching a landing aircraft in a glorified tennis net , strung between two posts .
25 But if the West Bank can not accommodate them , will they accept a political settlement which does not allow at least a substantial proportion to return to Galilee ?
26 TRADITIONAL Commonwealth growers of bananas in the Caribbean and their importers , such as Fyffes and Geest , will breathe at least a temporary sigh of relief after the European Commission finally made up its mind to extend the present quota-based system in the single market next year .
27 High farce was reached when a union official declared : ‘ Every worker should get at least the average pay rise . ’
28 but you will probably only notice at past the legal maximum speed limit .
29 The verbal system may operate at either a semantic or acoustic level and the non-verbal system according to the kind of transformations ( such as inversion , rotation , size reduction ) that can be performed on visual images .
30 The problems of making extrapolations arise at both the behavioural and the neurological level .
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