Example sentences of "[vb infin] you that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 There , in the fact that , that same evening , when I can promise you that I 've always been a most truthful man , I , to my own amazement , discovered that I was mouthing lies . ’
2 A look at this month 's What 's New pages will show you that we 've acknowledged the error of our ways and now include review updates on products ( plus a new product news section ) .
3 The basis of the book is that we are unfulfilled because we 've grown too sophisticated for God , we 're lonely , we 're morally confused , and I think God is the answer for this , it fashions , religion fashions the kind of community in which you 're redeemed from loneliness , it gives you the sense that when you come close to the end of your life you do n't have to panic that you have wasted your life because religion can show you that you have made a difference to the world .
4 Er , I can assure you that we have ser , we have several hundred people now , who are working on a part-time basis , because they choose to work part-time , whatever their commitments may be .
5 But I can assure you that I do n't exercise some kind of twentieth-century droit de seigneur over them for the privilege .
6 ‘ I can assure you that I have no political motives whatsoever .
7 I can assure you that I have no intention of straying into the question of the location of the headquarters of Caledonian MacBrayne .
8 ‘ I can assure you that I have none of those — er-appendages . ’
9 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
10 I can assure you that I did and I can assure you that I have already thanked him on behalf of the Council , shook his hand and said how well he done it , but if you 'd like a letter to go to say how well he done it , then I 'll send a letter telling him how well he done it .
11 The point is that the inference which you give to it is that they 're not quite fit to be Governors , by comparison with others , and I 'd like to defend that because I can assure you that I have never ever nominated a Governor for a school who I have not thought would be advantageous to that Board of Governors to have as a member and that he will be he or she will be a contributor to that particular school , and I 've done it time and time and time again and indeed on occasions have had headmasters coming to me and thanking me for the particular person that I put in .
12 ‘ I can only assure you that you have the wrong person , Mr Wyatt ; there are many models , and more than a few work in the Midlands , and several must have other business interests .
13 ‘ I have simply one question to ask of you and , before you answer , I must inform you that I know full well the delicate details of your personal relationship with the late King . ’
14 Call the Department of Environment 's air quality information line and a lady with a cheerful voice will most probably inform you that you have been breathing ‘ good ’ or ‘ very good ’ air for the previous 24 hours .
15 Anybody who has ever looked at sections of a rat 's brain and then at sections of a monkey 's brain will tell you that they look completely different .
16 I think he was conscious of a great deal probably , but at the same time many writers will tell you that they find when they 've finished a poem or a play things in it , demonstrably in it , systematically and intelligently present with real relations , which they do n't remember writing .
17 Yes we did , we were talking about our General Election strategy and er we 've been planning some campaigning and training workshops and so on , and I can tell you that we 've selected a Green Party candidate for Oxford west for the General Election ; his name is Mike Woodin , and the process is going on to select someone for Oxford east , so there 's certainly going to be a strong Green presence in Oxford during the General Election .
18 And if I speak a bit plain … just think of me as the woman who gave up everything to save you girls from their worst dangers Dear sisters there is not one of us ladies … who wo n't tell you that we have learnt our most precious lessons of faith … and patience , and self-sacrifice and contentedness under trials from you .
19 Now speaking to you , as chairman of the G M B parliamentary group I can tell you that we have met twice over the last few weeks on this issue of modernization and we are agreed on the need to avoid a damaging public row from which everybody yes including the unions , will lose .
20 ‘ Oh , I might as well tell you that I 've always known I was being unfair to you , using sex to hold on to you . ’
21 ‘ Did n't Liz tell you that I 've written some books on the subject ? ’
22 ‘ Did I not tell you that I bite ? ’ he asked menacingly .
23 I 'm as open minded and honest about my dogs as any dog owner , so let me tell you that I have the most beautiful , most gentle , most serious and most feminine Golden Retriever that ever lived .
24 Do you know I 've served in the Army for thirty three years and I 've commanded every thing at every level in the infantry which both these gentlemen have been in , from a platoon right up now to a brig er brigade and I can honestly tell you that I have n't seen more than a couple of incidents of bullying in the whole of that time .
25 I must tell you that I see no advantage to them in this situation .
26 ‘ I must n't tell you that I want to bury myself in your body ? ’ he enquired .
27 ‘ Did I tell you that I love you ?
28 But I got ta tell you that I do n't like it .
29 Now , before I tell you anything else , I must tell you that I do n't want Fagin , or any of the other members of the gang , to be handed to the police . ’
30 ‘ Miss Abbott will tell you that I do n't even possess one of my own to entertain her in . ’
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