Example sentences of "[vb infin] that it is important " in BNC.

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1 Although this issue has raised the passions of taxonomists , I can not see that it is important .
2 Er , so you can say that er Mr is a friend of pensioner 's , he said , he said he would be prepared to , what I , I , I approached him and said er , what about Harlow Caring Council , are they prepared to assist the pensioners in any way or do they wish to join in on this , oh yes he said , of course Norman he said , how much are you paying er Ron I said well his asking forty pound for the , for the morning , oh he said I 'll go half way with that , then he came out and said to me , pull me up afterwards and ask me to go to leisure services about the Tuesday , and so I 'm still following that up and hopefully we will have two days on pensioner 's week , because you want to have as much impact as possible and in a few moments , when I nearly finished here , I shall be reading you something where you 'll see that it is important that we make an impact on the people of Harlow .
3 I am sure that the Attorney-General will agree that it is important that women , blacks and other ethnic minorities , and working-class people should be able to get into the legal professions .
4 Does he understand and accept that it is important that local authorities should receive reliable guidance as soon as possible ?
5 Thus , we would caution against drawing general conclusions from analyses of specific areas of law , and we would argue that it is important to develop , not a theory of law , but a theory of the role of law in society to enable a clearer assessment of the extent or limits of law 's importance .
6 However , as with the similar topic of literacy , I would argue that it is important to separate out bilingualism and bilingual education because teachers ' personal experience and education gives them a particular view of the phenomenon .
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