Example sentences of "[vb infin] that it be [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know the answer , for only the people can give it ; but I do know that it is our duty to ask them .
2 ‘ How did you know that it was his van ; there must be plenty of Mini vans about ? ’
3 Because very young children have this inherent feeling that their parents can do no wrong , should one or other of those adults disappear from the scene for any reason , the child will always think that it is his fault .
4 She did n't think that it was her place to do so nor did she want to appear to be a burden to the man she loved .
5 Then : ‘ If you would just confirm that it is your brother … ’
6 Will he confirm that it is our top priority to get back to the basics in education and to sweep away the leftist progressive teaching methods that , having been put to the test , have failed ?
7 I can certainly confirm that it is our intention to ensure that the legislation contains proposals such as my hon. Friend suggested , just as there are in the legislation that applies to the rest of the country .
8 Erm first of all Chairman I would confirm that it is our view that with a provision of six thousand five hundred for Harrogate district , we do n't think we 'd be looking at a new settlement to serve our needs , erm , having said that , we support the Greater York strategy , and we we certainly the level of provision erm for Greater York as proposed by the County Council , er but leaving aside for one moment the issue of a new settlement , it is our view that we 'll be able to accommodate the level of growth that I think is anticipated in our district , erm , within the figures , and I 'm referring specifically to N Y one , and the table on the last page where there 's an indication there of the sort of of er housing numbers that would would have to be accommodated within Harrogate district , and and our part of Greater York is essentially a rural character consisting of a a number of small villages , so there there we have er a total figure of two hundred dwellings to be provided within our part of Greater York , that basically represents erm existing commitments and a a yield from small sites in the future , perhaps conversions , and we'r we 're quite happy with that .
9 Erm Chairman , I 'm , I can certainly confirm that it is our policy to er notify with a copy of the report the erm er member in whose area an application erm is .
10 They will inevitably feel that it is their own fault — that they are in some way ‘ bad ’ or deserving of such treatment .
11 But does he ever feel that it is his fate never to become World Champion ?
12 Somehow him telling that lie that turned out to be nearly true made him feel that it was his fault .
13 Again , it is likely that women today , and even more so in the future , will not automatically assume that it is their place to provide care when this is required . ’
14 But above all , we must remember that it is our policemen and women who are in the front line of the battle .
15 ‘ If you cast your mind back , you 'll remember that it was your idea to come to Oxford this weekend .
16 A second difficulty with this most obvious method of testing is that , even if a preponderance of Protestants were to emerge , it would not follow that it was their religious convictions that supplied the motivation for their science .
17 When a city and its territory was divided between two kings we should understand that it was their revenues that were at stake , although certain cities also had a strategic importance , which may also have been a matter of concern .
18 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
19 Should I also anticipate that it was my duty to eradicate , not only the monster , but the author of monsters ?
20 Wright already has six this term and although statistics will show he was only second on the bill yesterday , discerning patrons will appreciate that it was his intuitive skills that lifted the depression of a scrappy first 30 minutes .
21 Every employee should note that it is his responsibility to ensure that Health and Safety regulations are complied with .
22 They are now mothers with the responsibility for a child , and some of them would maintain that it is their baby that has given them the determination to do something more with their lives , however hard this may be .
23 Mr Smith taunted : ‘ The country will never forget that it was your Government and your Chancellor who told us unemployment was a price well worth paying .
24 Teacher : How can you tell that it is your shadow ?
25 He may recall that it was his party and not mine that cut health and welfare expenditure in the 1970s .
26 I should say that it is our intention to offer the Cyprus holiday as first prize with the five runners up receiving £100 B&I Travel Vouchers , if this is an acceptable way of dividing up your donation to us .
27 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
28 I wish that I could say that it is my experience that Christians are above this sort of thing , but it is not .
29 No one would dare say that it was his fault outright , but he knew what was going on in everyone else 's mind .
30 Nor can I accept that it is my duty to reform hawks and pigeons so that they become well-behaved social humans where the hawks stop grabbing baby pigeons and the pigeons stop nicking my peas .
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