Example sentences of "[vb infin] that [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has drunk one of the bottles of Fred Leroux 1920 at Le Vigneron in Reims ( in the days when it was an unpretentious little bistro , not the big , brash restaurant it is now ) will know that some wines of Chigny are capable of maturing for great periods of time .
2 Thermal underwear may be a multi-million pound industry , but did you know that any article of clothing can be called thermal ?
3 The hon. Gentleman has clearly studied this issue and will know that three quarters of all patients in Scotland are dealt with within four weeks and that half are dealt with immediately .
4 Having said that , we do know that large amounts of lead are harmful .
5 Why did she go out and buy that obvious representation of a landscape she wanted to escape , the figures moving noiselessly under the shadow of the mill ?
6 The National Curriculum has the virtue of concentrating the mind on the requirement of variety , but we must recognise that adequate provision of variety is in practice very difficult to achieve , calling for intense and careful planning .
7 They will probably correctly object that this theory of mine seems to get things round the wrong way , and that even if we grant my argument that growth in the power of the state detracts from that of the individual 's superego , there is every reason to suppose that in most cases the total power came first , and the deterioration in personality , however we like to describe it , later .
8 It 's it 's also the main area of housing demand , it 's also the main area where employers want to locate around around North Yorkshire , and I think most importantly , if its development needs are not met , these can wo n't be satisfactorily diverted elsewhere , they will continue unresolved which would be continual pressure on the edge of the urban area , and on on the greenbelt , and if that holds the effect would of course be that the tight greenbelt would mean that economic growth in the county would be frustrated , because York is the main centre where employment growth is concentrated , and I would think , I would consider that that solution of a tight greenbelt plus not making sufficient provision for development needs elsewhere in York would be contrary to P P G three paragraph three , which I 'm sure you 're aware of .
9 They may consider that many forms of non-consensual sexual intercourse are not so grave as to be labelled rape .
10 No-one is suggesting that the forecast famine will be transformed into a flush but auctioneers anticipate prices being so strong they will be impossible to ignore and predict that reasonable numbers of finished steers and bulls will be pulled on to the market .
11 He said that the federation does not predict that any sector of engineering will increase employment next year , though it forecasts the civil aerospace industry will be least badly affected because of a backlog of orders and its high level of exports .
12 As we saw , most modern anthropologists would , like Morgan , stress the corporate character of descent groups and would agree that these groups can not be understood as large families [ Fortes , 1953 ] , but they would also stress that some kind of individual domestic unit seems to normally exist in societies with descent groups .
13 to do it do n't necessarily think that that type of event happens
14 Further , if a shopper with some perverted sense of humour , intending only to create confusion and nothing more both for the supermarket and for other shoppers , switches labels , I do not think that that act of label switching alone is without more an appropriation , though it is not difficult to envisage some cases of dishonest label switching which could be .
15 I mean did you , do you think that that kind of feeling that kind of solidarity spread beyond er if there was any news filtering through about another engineering factory in dispute or whatever ?
16 Well , he 's also actually very smart , so I think that he will do something , but I do n't think that that kind of deco constructivist inspired pastiche of styles , all reactionary , adds much , but of course they probably think that just doing , you know , just being content with typefaces available in nineteen twenty-five ads , but I do n't know .
17 We shall have to live with it , because er I I do n't think that any hope of any redress next year , but the got to be established of a different system , of me a different methodology for the foreseeable years , if we 're going to get those schemes through that you supported wholeheartedly and congratulated us and for bringing forward the new road schemes for er the that that that that you so approved so warmly yesterday .
18 I do not think that any member of the United Nations , any more than Her Majesty 's Government , would want to send their forces to fight their way into the situation .
19 We might think that this change of life would bring joy primarily to the person who is redeemed .
20 Do you think that this sort of attitude is probably true today , that the kind of things we learn about child rearing are not the things we put into practise when we actually have children to bring up ourselves ?
21 ‘ I — er — I do n't really think that this sort of thing is exactly my style , ’ she told him unhappily .
22 But I must emphasize that this concept of relationship is an abstraction , an invention of the observing anthropologist .
23 They may also ensure that essential standards of work and conduct are upheld , although the school 's management and organisation should be such that they need be used only exceptionally .
24 The trust status will ensure that that record of success continues into the life of the next Conservative Government and the one after , just as we established that record during the lifetime of the previous three Conservative Governments .
25 We will ensure that all tiers of regional and local government publish a ‘ Charter of Services ’ , giving citizens clear rights to standards of service , and remedies if these are not met .
26 We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff .
27 This new access , along with the proposed cross harbour road and rail bridges , shall ensure that all parts of the Harbour Estate are directly linked to Northern Ireland 's motorway system .
28 The use of a facility such as ‘ Office Power ’ and its electronic mail capabilities would ensure that all aspects of a case could be considered timeously without fear of hard copy correspondence being lost between different sections inadvertently or otherwise not actioned .
29 The Trusts , with their concern for public access and amenity , and increasingly for conservation-conscious farming and forestry , as well as for the protection of wildlife , will ensure that large areas of land are maintained to high standards of conservation .
30 Mirror panels are expensive of course and you must ensure that large slabs of it can be got through doors , up stair-wells , and onto lifts or elevators .
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