Example sentences of "[vb infin] to be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
2 The interesting part is that the measuring fibre does not need to be part of the current carrying circuit , giving a high degree of electrical isolation .
3 Victorians like George Eliot did not need to be expert in iconography ( the reading of this painting is still disputed ) in order to sense in such interiors a spiritual meaning in material things .
4 There would need to be rebates for low-income families and for long-stay patients but the idea was that the working population would be required by law to obtain health insurance .
5 You do not need to be chairman of the meeting to wield power , various other roles and devices will also serve your purpose .
6 We realise that there will need to be additions to the job description and profile to take account of the different judicial offices such as district judge or circuit judge , but overall the job description and personal profile describe the essential qualities needed for any judge .
7 In a separate study which Jenkins and Sherman quote , from the Institute of Manpower Studies at the University of Sussex , the estimate was that for there to be enough jobs created to keep unemployment down to the levels of the mid-1970s there would need to be growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) averaging 3.5 per cent per annum in the UK .
8 Still to come , Conservatives on Oxfordshire County Council say there wo n't need to be cuts in services to stay within next year 's Government budget estimate .
9 In systems terms , there would also need to be mechanisms for taking control or corrective action based on defined measures of performance , related in this case to the effectiveness of education provision ( ie ensuring that the curriculum delivered meets the defined education requirements ) , and to the accurate provision of resources .
10 Thirdly , there would need to be modifications to the notion of id-impulses , for these can not be a direct emotion , unfiltered , as it were , by the expressive symbolism of the common culture .
11 Does not the proactivity need to be politicians of all parties coming together and discussing and listening to each other rather than simply making pronouncements ?
12 What I do object to is violence on TV . ’
13 ‘ What a pity your father is so set against accepting what he might consider to be charity from Tamar .
14 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
15 There would appear to be scope for institutions and policy makers to reduce barriers to participation particularly for the financially disadvantaged .
16 There might appear to be elements of a feudal vassal status for the Teleuts here .
17 It is perhaps interesting to note that whilst the LMS legislation would appear to be part of a wider strategy for the control of public expenditure , it has now spawned a range of better-informed pressure groups which , when focusing on the quality of the education service , find themselves increasingly calling for greater expenditure on books , teaching materials , equipment and the maintenance of school premises !
18 Teacher appraisal did appear to be part of the accountability process , but , as we shall see , this has changed to some extent .
19 As one looks to the future , there would appear to be margins of manoeuvre and debate .
20 One rectangular building straddled the compound fence with an annexe attached on the inside from which there did not appear to be access to the compound .
21 Public opinion toward them varies from suspicion to hostility , and a major police problem would appear to be relations with the public .
22 They may not all want to leave the Soviet Union ( indeed , whatever shape it takes in the future , Mr Yeltsin 's Russia will expect to be leader of the pack ) , but neither do the union 's supporters want to hand back the new economic and political freedoms that they have won .
23 It contained the reading at Psalm xci.5 : ‘ So yt thou shalt not nede to be afrayd for eny bugges by night .
24 ACT-UP is the organisation I should most like to be part of .
25 If you would like to be part of the audience for The Big Three-O please write to the Fundraising Department stating which recording you can take part in and how many seats you would like .
26 If that is support for an industry , I should not like to be part of an industry that the Government were against .
27 On the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Council inaugurated in November 1989 [ see p. 37044 ] , Ryzhkov said that the Soviet Union would like to be part of the consultative arrangement .
28 really well you know I always think sometimes you 'd like to be sort of be crazy would n't you ?
29 He asks a young girl if she would like to be Alice in Wonderland .
30 But if not that , then many critics would like to be dictators of literature , to regulate the past , and to set out with quiet authority the future direction of the art .
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