Example sentences of "[vb infin] in his [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Brent Todd , the Kiwi prop forward who plays with the Canberra Raiders in Australia , will not appear in his club 's World Club Challenge match against Widnes tonight at Old Trafford .
2 There was quite a lot he did n't follow in his Superintendent 's speech starting with ‘ obviate ’ .
3 ‘ I was disappointed when David left surgery ; I had always imagined he would follow in his father 's footsteps — but , as we know , circumstances decreed otherwise . ’
4 For Jason , he must have done well on the video excercise , he 's just been told he can follow in his father 's footsteps and join West Mercia Police .
5 For Jason , he must have done well on the video excercise , he 's just been told he can follow in his father 's footsteps and join West Mercia Police .
6 BARNSLEY midfielder John Gregg must count his lucky stars that he can follow in his family 's football tradition .
7 Thoroughly upset now , she repeated the question and instruction , and this time Jack did see something move in his stepfather 's eye .
8 Nobody had also said how long Marcus should remain in his sister 's house .
9 Now they 're better Jews than their own parents ever were — I know one chap from Willesden Green who wo n't even eat in his mother 's kitchen any more .
10 In one fell swoop , Virgin had acquired that most elusive of qualities , ‘ street credibility ’ ; the company roster now boasted groups like Magazine , Penetration , the Members , the Skids — what was becoming known as New Wave , a marketing term used to denote almost any performer that had emerged in the aftermath of punk who did not spit in his audience 's eye .
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