Example sentences of "[vb infin] every [noun sg] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry , I 'll need every minute I 've got . ’
2 ‘ We 'll need every penny we have when we get to America . ’
3 ‘ It is not a blow at all — you do n't win every order you bid for .
4 Now her daughter is the centre of her world , a reason to race home so she can enjoy every moment they have together .
5 first , my mother 's allergy meant she would sneeze every time she came near the owl , and , secondly , my little sister was so fascinated by Dawn that I could n't keep her away .
6 Do you know every time I put a pen anywhere in this house they just disappear !
7 I 'd send every letter I 've written you since we last met if I thought you would n't do it to me again , humiliate me again .
8 ‘ Dance Energy is only a phase in my life and unless I can do every idea I want on the BBC , then I 'll obviously have to do them somewhere else . ’
9 Yeah it 's got ta be taken seriously but I mean , you know , there 's , there 's no reason why we should believe every word he says , I mean he 's sort of
10 It was an infuriating trait , and it made her blood boil every time he came near .
11 You will follow every suggestion she makes because the only way you can get back to Paris is on two feet and I doubt your ability to even walk across this room . ’
12 I could understand every word she said .
13 This program is excellent ! and we have also included on the disk a WAV file called Getout ! which you can use every time you exit windows .
14 To think of it another way , if you were asked to mend a broken chair you would not use every tool you had just for the sake of showing that you had them .
15 I can remember every track I 've ever raced on , every bump , every turn … ’
16 He would remember every time he had been humiliated at school or home , exaggerating the feeling and circumstances involved .
17 Gazzer was in bright light , down by the entrance and Mane could see every move he made .
18 But if you just gaze at him in his entirety , without looking at anything in particular , you will see every move he makes , as he makes it .
19 I know , I know , I know I should n't be angry cos it 's not , you know , obviously you 're not gon na think every time someone says they fancy you you 're not gon na think oh God he 's lying , there 's no reason , you should n't ever think that I mean what they 're doing now is just making you into a paranoid wreck .
20 now this should apply every time you hit somebody with a price , every time no matter where you are
21 In good English that had only a speck of accent , just a faint edge that you would wonder every time you heard him if it really was some kind of accent .
22 Since the awareness from which we recoil is constantly being forced on us by pain or misfortune , no doubt many or most people can take every opportunity they have to avoid the unpleasant without being in any danger of becoming more aware of the bright side than the dark .
23 ‘ Then if so he 's in the wood hereabouts and can hear every word you say , ’ Michael sneered .
24 Do n't worry , you 'll hear every word I say to her .
25 She could n't relax ; she could hear every move he made through the flimsy wall , and each one stretched her nerves tight .
26 It proved impossible ; her senses were heightened to such a degree that she could hear every move he made .
27 You hear him squeak every time he moves . ’
28 ( The witness did not mention every time she blinked , for example , or the fact that she was breathing . )
29 The ones you can get for lunch — there are plenty — will likely forget every word you tell them , and they certainly do n't feel obliged to help . ’
30 He added what could , with a slight dose of exaggeration , serve as the epitaph of modern Cabinet government : ‘ All we can do is press every button we 've got .
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