Example sentences of "[vb infin] in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Giles , Giles , ’ cried Liz , ‘ do n't shout so , it 's nearly the New Year , we ca n't bring in the New Year howling like wolves . ’
2 Whenever universities hand out degrees on the basis of who will bring in the best publicity and therefore the biggest cheques , they dishonour their own honours system .
3 They would n't bring in the heavy mob for me , I 'm not important enough .
4 They will give in the confident expectation that their gift will be well received .
5 Or you can fill in the straightforward application form and everything will be arranged speedily by post .
6 Having formed the outline to your satisfaction , you can then fill in the solid part with flowers in your chosen colour scheme .
7 LIFESPAN will always fill in the other field with the correct information later when it retrieves the details for that item .
8 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title , and display the current details for the Product ( if any exist ) .
9 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title , and display the current details .
10 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title , and display the current details .
11 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title .
12 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title .
13 Now we 're gon na fill in the top half of the board , are n't we ?
14 The boy could not breathe in the choking air and began coughing and panicking .
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