Example sentences of "[vb infin] in and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the shopkeeper should have a panic button under the counter to press during such a confrontation , and while humouring the shopper by pretending to go and look for some grey ones , stout men could rush in and restrain the customer before he can make it to his Access card .
2 We 'll stay in and watch the cup final
3 I 'll just stay in and scrub the kitchen floor , wash your clothes and make your dinner . ’ )
4 It also meant that the boys could see in and witness the general untidiness of his tiny room .
5 He paused to let the effect sink in and to allow the participants to notice that the machine was not showing the correct time .
6 They will also provide housekeepers who 'll step in and run the show bit of cooking , cleaning and sorting out the washing for around £35 a day .
7 For a few moments she imagined the scene as dark-suited managers with grim faces waited with bated breath for the one man who could step in and save the company …
8 But if the alien premises are as subtle as they are pervasive , they can filter in and overpower the mind before it is even aware of their presence , let alone their danger .
9 Why on earth did n't they go in and possess the land ?
10 I thought that I would go in and explain the whole thing to him and explain that there was no point in creating trouble unnecessarily .
11 You 're just gon na go in and collect the money .
12 We 're just gon na go in and collect the money without having told the client .
13 Whenever you get here first you can go in and warm the bed up , ca n't you ? ’
14 so I said could Mike go in and do the fencing you see at the side , to keep the dog out
15 And I 've got ta go in and do the budget and get the budget today .
16 At a meeting in the Ulster Hall , he insisted that if the RUC did not go in and remove the offensive flag , then he would do it himself .
17 know and get , cos lot I 've got his card all you have got to do is go in and say the name
18 ‘ If I take Folly here through to get undressed , you could go in and get the others warmed up . ’
19 Stephen 'll go in and get the spaghetti
20 I think there 's only about , well on average there 's only between thirty and forty cases erm and which they are happy to identify for us erm so we can go in and update the diary or , or do whatever .
21 We 'll go in and find the right moment to speak to her . ’
22 ‘ We always wondered , ’ Edwards said , ‘ could you get in and make the drop ?
23 ‘ You can get in and do the milking .
24 ‘ I thought I would just get in and catch the end but it was over in minutes .
25 They could n't get in and find the dead woman until they got another key or broke the door down .
26 She 'd come in and do the washing in the morning , and if it was a nice bright day she 'd iron in the afternoon .
27 ‘ But it is even more galling when there is the prospect that foreigners may come in and do the work of dismantling it . ’
28 ‘ But it is even more galling when there is the prospect that foreigners may come in and do the work of dismantling it . ’
29 ‘ But it is even more galling when there is the prospect that foreigners may come in and do the work of dismantling it .
30 And so it was that she did n't hear Andrew come in and enter the sitting-room , there to see his daughter dressed for going out in her wide-skirted jersey dress , her black hair hanging loose about her shoulders , and wearing , of all things , green-lobed earrings .
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