Example sentences of "[vb infin] down [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 then he 'll button down for a bit
2 And then they would spring down with a howl and rush to embrace her .
3 The barn owl can swoop down on a mouse in total darkness , guided only by a faint rustle in the undergrowth .
4 Initially , the new system would break down as a result of faults in the computer programs .
5 Some of these phases may dissolve and the coatings will break down by a combination of solution and particle attrition as less soluble particles break free and migrate into the body .
6 This effectively risks a breakdown in the Co-operative Principle ( CP ) , though the CP can only really break down by a reader stopping reading .
7 The Bill does nothing to increase the powers of the courts if order should break down inside a prison , although it touches in a new way on some of the matters relating to aiding and abetting an escape outside a prison .
8 And then , if everything ran true to form , the undamaged clays would sail down to a landing somewhere out of sight .
9 does it boil down , does it boil down to a lack of security to the fact that ?
10 I would sink down into a velvet void so entire and impenetrable that whether it was I or I was it , became moot .
11 If we try to relate the stratigraphical column , in all its fantastic detail , to these general theories , we will inevitably soon bog down in a welter of information .
12 I also hoped that the speculation at work as to what was going to be done with George 's office would die down for a while .
13 We 're asking people who drink , and that 's ninety per cent of the British adult population , to see if they can cut down by a quarter if they 're drinking above sensible levels .
14 You curve the surface by making it go down into a hollow .
15 In an otherwise mixed year for the British sports car , TVR 's 1992 will go down as a year of achievement and of huge promise for the future .
16 And in some class rooms the kids are gon na go down for a variety of reasons , they 're gon na they 're gon na work their ticket and in other class rooms they wo n't !
17 I wo n't go down without a struggle , Nenna thought .
18 But Doherty , 22 , of Dublin , did not go down without a fight and doggedly pursued Hendry all afternoon .
19 For both reasons , the amount of looking at the listener should go down during a phase of speech production which involves a large amount of cognitive planning .
20 Cup of tea would go down like a bomb but
21 His ‘ zeal for privatisation , ’ says a Welsh nationalist MP hopefully , ‘ will go down like a rat sandwich ’ in the valleys .
22 Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon .
23 ‘ I bet this would go down like a lead balloon if it was known in Grantley police station .
24 The viewing figure must go down by a half now .
25 The theoretical difference between the categories may well come down to a question of the burden of proof , though in practice a party seeking to uphold the validity of the restrictive covenant — usually the employer — has to make all the running .
26 Did it really not come down to a fear of the knife ?
27 Moreover , as Hirst has suggested , it is not by any means certain that more knowledge in itself would help ; disagreement among supposed experts suggests that in fact we are comparing differing practices , differing values , differing approaches , and that in the end we shall come down to a series of judgements in which personal preferences will play their part .
28 He give me them , I took them for three days , right , I did n't come down for a fortnight and Russell 'll tell you that , I was high as a kite .
29 Ask if you can come down for a day or two .
30 Diane locked herself in her bedroom and would n't come down for a day because she was afraid of her father 's anger .
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