Example sentences of "[vb infin] on [prep] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Right , can hang on to that for me ?
2 We could only carry on like this for so long , and it all depended on how well we could sleep during the day .
3 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
4 She can go on like that for hours if she is n't stopped ’ .
5 ‘ It has gone on for 15 months and so far most firms have managed to survive , but they ca n't go on like this for ever . ’
6 ‘ It has gone on for 15 months and so far most firms have managed to survive , but they ca n't go on like this for ever . ’
7 Masklin knew that they could go on like this for hours .
8 This is it , Middle Age , and it will go on like this for the next thirty-six years until , without any big deal , without even noticing probably , it will be Old Age and we 'll still be sitting here .
9 We ca n't go on like this for ever . ’
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