Example sentences of "[vb infin] think [that] [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 Pension schemes are vital to many of our constituents , and I should have thought that they would be of equal importance to Conservative Members in Scotland , who may soon have to look to their own pension schemes although the Minister has reassured me that he may have other arrangements .
2 Erm you 'd have thought that they would have taken the trouble to erm you know to do some bit of arm twisting .
3 Settlement ‘ I would have thought that they would have learned from the public ridicule of the last month and made certain that they did n't get up to these things again , ’ he told the Press Association .
4 The Tournament at Eglinton caught the fancy of the nation at the time but few who were involved could have thought that it would be so well remembered 150 years later .
5 But you know it 's funny how why it was so I mean the grit and those were quite sharp you know You you 'd have thought that it would have taken your skin but then it was ideal stuff for getting the grease the you know the dirt and I mean the the greasy dirt away .
6 I should have thought that it would be common ground that it is right to review such organisations from time to time to establish whether they are achieving their objectives .
7 Erm but I I would have thought that it would have been necessary to examine that sector against all the others before reaching any conclusion as to whether or not i it could be more successfully assimilated into the landscape of that sector as opposed to anywhere else .
8 I do n't want to raise your hopes too much , Rebecca , but I think what , er the idea behind this , I er , thing is , families with two tellies , paying twenty pounds extra for the second set , and perhaps for the third set , another twenty pounds , it 's to try and lessen the burden on viewers who genuinely ca n't afford the existing licence fee as it is now , and Rebecca , I would have thought that you would 've fallen into that category .
9 ‘ Since you had yourself a very good motive for murdering him , I should have thought that you would wish to help me identify anyone else who had . ’
10 ‘ But you would have thought that someone would have looked up over all those days .
11 How could she have thought that he would ?
12 So , one would have thought that he would be in his element in the 19 Waltzes of Chopin .
13 In the matter of these smaller " possessions " , you might have thought that he would have let you get away with the things which you could not possibly do without , a set of fish-knives , for example , which had been a wedding present , or a " sketch of the Himalayas as seen from Darjeeling .
14 Given that he served in Cabinet for many years , I should have thought that he would be more objective and would not simply take as his evidence two cases from the front page of the News of the World .
15 I would have thought that he would have been down slightly more less
16 Almost as though she knew that Matey was thinking about her , McAllister looked up and said , ‘ I would never have thought that I would enjoy knitting so much , and the ladies ’ sewing circle , too . ’
17 I would have thought that there would be an appreciable market for this CD , which , on a personal level , I have enjoyed a great deal .
18 And even with a larger army , the Saudis do not seem to think that they would be able to protect themselves .
19 It was more than Phil could bear to think that he would never again be there to make Christmas sparkle for her .
20 Er with reference to the great pestilence er makes me think of the original great pestilence , the Black Death and of course er contaminated individuals be put in a pest house far away from places of habitation but they can contaminate others which one ca n't help thinking that it would be quite a good policy has commissioned .
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