Example sentences of "[vb infin] we [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah we do n't know we want the height .
2 What does it profit us to list the number of times a mother rubs her baby 's back when we really want to know if she did it with affection or out of nervousness ?
3 This business unit will ensure we use the whole of radio strength to target specific accounts also being targeted by IRS , ’ adds Turner .
4 ‘ Are n't you going to stay and watch us win the prize ? ’
5 It 's certainly nice to see someone who 's not into adventures but does n't expect us to trash the column .
6 If we take a knife to the Bible and cut out the bits which the modern world can not understand we compromise the message which Christianity has to give to society .
7 As for centre backs I 've no idea — ideally I 'd like to see him give half wit and Weatherall a good go along with Tinkler , Forrester and Sharp as I really ca n't see us winning the league after Saturdays shite performance .
8 what , would you like us to let the County Council know when our meetings our ?
9 I shall be busy for the next couple of weeks , ’ Vitor continued , gravely making plans , ‘ but then I 'd like us to spend the weekend with my mother so that she can meet her grandson . ’
10 that the Holy Spirit would use us to communicate the love of Jesus :
11 I do n't think we lost the urgency because the producer understood what was going on .
12 ‘ Being do busy with running we do n't think we have the time necessary to bring up kids .
13 But I do n't think we have the copy here did we , we did n't see the letter .
14 I do n't think we used the timber more than five times in the whole round .
15 The collection fund surplus or shortfall is not relevant to Scottish authorities but would suggest we inform the Local Government Chronicle of the 13% bad debts provision made by Lothian Regional Council generally .
16 Then Dad shot home the bolt , though this did n't stop us opening the window to see the end of the rumpus .
17 Equally the measurement of unc would enable us to predict the value of unc with certainty .
18 Secondly , a failure to perceive the pattern may also occur because we lack within our theoretical base the conceptual framework that would enable us to grasp the structure that is potentially available , given the observations that we have made already .
19 In the long run we still want something that will enable us to stop the resistance completely , ’ she said .
20 Platinum will enable us to eliminate the use of the bureau , and get all of the information at head office on line as we go along , saving a lot of time and money ’ .
21 ‘ The listing will give us much more flexibility and will also enable us to use the market for capital raising exercises if necessary . ’
22 However , the extra time does enable us to maximise the effectiveness of our local support network … short of arming a band of rural guerrillas .
23 We were adamant from the beginning that we could n't retain the breadth of the remit if we did n't have some security of income.1 That we would enable us to resist the temptation , either from shareholders or advertisers , to turn the channel into a sort of a yuppie channel .
24 In the years since , we 've kept a Northern Ireland file , and a few months ago we had collected enough encouraging evidence to make us think that a concerted effort would enable us to name the man most consistently pointed at as being in control of the IRA , Martin McGuinness .
25 This version will also enable us to network the Garden 's Mac computers , the proposed graphics and/or GIS Unix workstations ( see below ) and other non-DOS environments .
26 This will enable us to put the spotlight on those inner city LEAs and schools which are failing their pupils .
27 " If Western governments will stop just talking and will give real assistance , then we will not reject that help , because it will enable us to solve the safety matters more quickly .
28 Whereas comedy can enable us to know the world better , stories of mystery and horror insist on all we can not know and therefore increase our fear of a disordered , malefic universe .
29 If that does not happen we ensure the continuation of the social and physical ills so prevalent in society today . ’
30 ‘ I fear nothing , My Lord , except perhaps that those who do not wish us to find the truth may intervene in a way we least expect .
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