Example sentences of "[vb infin] be [vb pp] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 … women who do appear being shown by way of a narrow range of images ; mother sufferer helper provider of food .
2 But the employment open to children and the age and the hours they could work were curtailed by legislation throughout the nineteenth century , beginning with the 1833 Factory Act .
3 ‘ Revelation must be judged by reason ’ ; in this way one could avoid being misled by Fancy ( a rather disorganized mental activity ) into the dangers of ‘ Enthusiasm ’ ( uncritical belief in a religious or political doctrine ) .
4 And he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by muse .
5 The octopus may have been speared by torchlight at night , just as it is today .
6 The entry would have been obtained by fraud in the presenting of a forged transfer for registration .
7 The registration would not have been obtained by fraud .
8 On the ground in front of the simple headstone were several dark splashes , which could only have been made by blood .
9 This might well have been followed by Salt 111 discussions in which various new measures could have been put on the disarmament agenda — British and French strategic weapons , American F-111 bombers in Europe-as well as a continued ban on the deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles by both sides .
10 Had this been a scene in a movie , it would have been followed by pistol shots and , no doubt , the entry of a deadly snake into the Sigmoid tent .
11 It could all have been arranged by telephone .
12 If the ring had not captured and ruined Gollum 's mind , he would never have been overcome by desire of it and hence he would not have snatched the Ring and fallen into the Cracks of Doom , the only place the Ring can be destroyed .
13 It could almost certainly not have been done by air power alone .
14 This decision was plainly absurd : all confidentiality in the information had evaporated with overseas publication , and no additional damage to the national interest could possibly have been done by re-publication of the contents of the book in the British press .
15 If the state of Bosnia & Hercegovina is carved up and redistributed by the victors , territory will have been grabbed by force , frontiers changed by war .
16 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
17 For example , the tribunal may have been motivated by resentment at a particular member 's share of the market , or have suspended the member , not for bona fide reasons , but because of the opportunity it gave their firms to acquire some of the suspended member 's customers .
18 Initially , this may create no problems because the accountant may have been motivated by interest and a desire to improve his own efficiency at work but problems could arise later if the accountant moves to another firm or discovers that his program is commercially viable .
19 With a ruthlessness that would have been complimented by Ace if he 'd known , she threw her mind totally back into her work .
20 In his Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex , therefore , Darwin concluded that for distasteful species ‘ the most gaudy colours would be serviceable , and might have been gained by variation and the survival of the most-easily recognised individuals ’ .
21 Work of this kind demonstrated the significance of the Bronze and Iron Ages in reducing the forest cover of the British landscape particularly in upland Britain , where blanket peat growth may have been influenced by deforestation rather than simply by climatic change ( Simmons , 1980 ) .
22 Would it have been affected by fallout from Chernobyl ?
23 K. islandica could have been affected by competition and loss of habitat , as it is confined today to very open , mildly basic wet gravel flushes and , more rarely , fine-grained screes on Skye and Mull .
24 A report in January 1990 to a parliamentary committee by a Green Party deputy , Giancarlo Savoldi , presented prima facie evidence that the returns for the Naples- Caserta area in the 1987 general election [ for which see pp. 35586-88 ] might have been affected by ballot rigging .
25 Paul Korshin argues , on the other hand , that very few writers could have been supported by patronage to such an extent that they actually lost their independence .
26 Whilst the orgiastic dancers may have been stimulated by alcohol , it is likely that opium was used to heighten the states of meditation during long vigils and bouts of prayer , the curious seclusions which the ancients called ‘ incubation ’ .
27 Arfon Borough Council is keen to explore the possibility of leasing houses which owners are unable to sell or have been repossessed by building societies .
28 ‘ Sir Ralph may have been slain by peasant leaders plotting rebellion .
29 Some of those homes may already have been hocked by granny to pay for care in her declining years ; and house prices may be depressed as inheritors who already own their homes sell those they inherit .
30 You could n't keep bulls for long or the strain in your herd would have been weakened by in-breeding , so there was a regular turnover , and quite often farms would loan out their bulls around the Dales before selling them out of the area .
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