Example sentences of "[vb infin] at [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you really imagine I 'd bellow at Finn in the street ? ’ she enquired .
2 Nothing else would change , though , the north geographic pole would n't move , and if we were to go outside to check up , the sun would still rise and set in the same place , and the Pole Star would appear at night over the local gas works .
3 Does it rankle and jar or do we feel at home with the sound ?
4 GARTH Gibbs says Gazza will feel at home among the spaghetti scoffers in Italy .
5 He will never feel at ease with the French : he will never wear the right clothes ; he will never feel healthy on goose and red wine and he no longer wants to try .
6 The layout and organisation of the classroom should enable the visually handicapped pupil to develop a facility to understand and use the equipment and material in it ‘ so that he can feel at ease in the setting , and can respond freely and accurately about what he is doing ’ .
7 You can choose at leisure from the free monthly colour magazines and the books are delivered direct to your home .
8 Stirling envisaged a much larger force of raiders with a permanent base deep in the desert , supplied by air , which could descend at will on the coastal lifeline of the Axis forces .
9 we can look at involvement with the organizations .
10 Right , we 're gon na look at correlation over the next couple of weeks .
11 This chapter will therefore look at status in the landscape , since this hierarchy and the differences in status are so evident and mean so much in terms of why the landscape looks like it does .
12 After fifteen months Edward left St. Paul 's on the tacit understanding that he would read at home for the competitive administration examinations of the Civil Service .
13 Sometimes girls are there because they are very young or they are homeless , sometimes it is because their parents can not cope at home with the responsibility for them and a newborn baby , and in other cases a home takes in and assesses girls whose ability to look after their baby is in question .
14 A European Central Bank would operate a lender of last resort facility for individual nations ' central banks , and would aim at stability of the European economy through interlocking economic policies within the EEC .
15 If an innovation does not aim at leadership from the beginning , it is unlikely to be innovative enough .
16 Yes , that 's right , I mean it 's that most of you , most of you can , most of you can arrive at work in the morning and if somebody says what the traffic 's like you would n't know , because you do n't know how you got there .
17 Sergeant Potter would meet them at Swallow Hall with the pistols , Uncle Bean and Biddy would arrive at lunchtime with the horses .
18 Moreover , the approach taken by their Lordships in George Mitchell does seem at variance with the Photo Production case where it was held that artificial distinctions should be rejected in favour of construction according to plain and natural meaning .
19 At no point throughout the weekend did he seem at ease in the new car , his driving lacking the urgent but dramatically effective style seen in the past .
20 At first interview half the carers said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care , and it was overwhelmingly from among these who wanted the sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home for the year were to be found .
21 He did not talk like this with anyone else , but his father would not laugh at talk of the Holy-Place-From-Over-the-Great-Water or the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much .
22 My understanding is that A those do n't exist at present within the deposit plan , but if they did at some future date , for any reason , that their function would be to be used after two thousand and six to sustain the permanence of the greenbelt .
23 Anyway , if you always want to hear a piece of music played in a certain way , you might as well sit at home in the lounge and listen to your favourite , definitive CD recording .
24 She found she could sit at work in the Rose Bowl , her hands occupied as they were now , while in her head she relived the moments she had spent with Luke ; his hands caressing her ; his mouth on hers .
25 You can wander at will through the Music Room , Banqueting Room , Great Kitchen — and even once-Royal bedrooms .
26 Visitors can wander at will through the tun room , the malt barn and the still house , and can see the fine collection of traditional tools of the trade and the whisky maturing in the casks .
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