Example sentences of "[vb infin] that many of the " in BNC.

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1 Here again any measured view of life in schools will quickly demonstrate that many of the initial perceptions are largely groundless .
2 It would also appear that many of the people who abuse the code of these shelters are not members of the MBA , so contribute nothing to their maintenance .
3 The later chapters on the regions of Britain describe particular local features but for each region you should remember that many of the people are engaged in the activities indicated on these pages .
4 Tabitha could see that many of the hangars were empty , or filled with equipment and odds and ends of machinery which were no longer ships , if they ever had been .
5 Nevertheless , we can conclude that many of the megalithic monuments had some sort of astronomical import ( and this includes some aspects of the Egyptian Pyramids ) ; as to their religious meaning we can only guess .
6 For the present , we can simply note that many of the women felt that relations between themselves and the staff were less formal than relations between the male students and the staff ; the women said that they found it quite easy to ‘ get round ’ the male staff , whereas several men complained that staff were quite unhelpful .
7 From the fact that it leads on to all sorts of other questions , we can reasonably infer that many of the justifications given in the literature are indeed question-begging .
8 I should , however , say that many of the ideas here expressed are explicitly stated in the lectures of Professor Kirk Bryan whose emphasis on climatic morphology has led to the formulation here set forth .
9 Does he accept that many of the constituents of his hon. Friend the Member for Ipswich ( Mr. Irvine ) face losing their houses if they do not receive the full pension ?
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