Example sentences of "[vb infin] that all [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , even if , as I believe , the lower figure is nearer the true rate , I do not doubt that all such deaths are of the utmost importance and will continue to represent a major therapeutic challenge and that perhaps nearly all will eventually be prevented .
2 ‘ Do you think that all this money will change your life ? ’ asked the reporter .
3 I do n't necessarily think that all these particle physicists are solving the world 's problems but it 's fundamental in the way the world works .
4 Article 1 of the Framework Regulation ( 2052/88 ) should stipulate that all Structural Fund operations must be consistent with the principles of sustainable development .
5 ( b ) The interests of justice which must ensure that all relevant evidence is available to the court .
6 Familiarity with the local history of the area is very important , as detailed local knowledge , both on the ground and with the available documents and old maps , will ensure that all remaining features of such deserted settlements will be found .
7 The GMC should ensure that all final year medical students understand what they can reasonably expect .
8 In its report , Control of Nursing Manpower , published in February 1986 , the Committee of Public Accounts acknowledged that progress had been made by nurse managers but went on to recommend that the " DHSS should ensure that all general managers are made aware of all the possibilities for economies identified in the C & AG 's report " ( 2 ) .
9 We will ensure that all local authorities publish information about the social services that are available , including information on standards and complaints procedures .
10 He argues the company has tried to monopolise the market by convincing customers that its relational database management system is effectively the computer , making it appear that all other functions and tasks the user may want to perform are bound tightly to the database — requirements that can only be met by other Oracle products .
11 In the sixteenth century , St John of the Cross would repeat that all human conceptions and preconceptions had to be left behind and that the soul must approach the utterly transcendent deity in a Dark Night .
12 Gone are the days when Hull among behaviourists or Lorenz among the classical ethologists could assume that all motivational mechanisms were of the similar type .
13 However , I should not automatically assume that all these pieces represent a choral distillation of the ‘ green pastures and meadows ’ style of English composition .
14 A central conclusion of the report was that colleges should assume that all academic staff teaching for the Council 's degrees would ‘ undertake some definite activity falling within the various categories of research ’ that it had outlined .
15 I shall assume that all intensional descriptions are classical .
16 Although Robinson 's suggestions are attractive , Steers ( 1964 ) does not believe that all double spits can be explained as breached baymouth bars .
17 They would believe that all these people were caught up in this satanic net .
18 Assuming : ( a ) that all three measures are calculated accurately ; ( b ) that only final goods and services are counted in the national product and national expenditure figures ; ( c ) that any changes in unsold stocks are included in the national expenditure figures ; and ( d ) that all incomes , including profits but excluding transfer payments , are counted in the national income figures , then it must follow that all three measures will provide an identical figure for the value of the country 's total output .
19 If the hon. Gentleman looks at what has happened in Europe in the past decade — in France , Belgium , Denmark , Sweden and Italy — he will see that all those countries have devolved their powers down to regional authorities .
20 ‘ So what I think we 've got to do , ’ says Howard , ‘ is to set up a society where everyone has enough sort of … contentment … to be sort of contented , but not so much that they ca n't see that all this sort of contentment is sort of blinding them to the possibility of becoming sort of more contented in a sort of kind of deeper sort of … ’
21 It could either provide that all married women should hold their property as their separate property — thus giving to all married women the right to dispose of their property and to make contracts binding it which formerly could only be given to them by a will or a settlement ; or it could adopt the more straightforward course of making the capacity of a married woman to own property , make contracts , and incur liability for torts the same as that of a man .
22 Yeah , cos we 've got to do your inhaler as well and we 'd better wipe that all that muck off your face , all that tomato sauce
23 If this is the case then I would suggest that all private companies have an accounting period ending on 30 April and all plcs an accounting period ending on 30 June .
24 It does not maintain that all criminal laws directly express the interests of one particular group , such as the ruling class .
25 This does not mean that all such arrangements are exempted ( particularly in service industries ) , for they have to satisfy various conditions .
26 The recognition that the assumption of the effectiveness of law may turn out to be false in all or at least specific areas does not mean that all legal activity in relation to international law is worthless .
27 This did not necessarily mean that all local party chiefs in the minorities were also lethargic during 1922 .
28 I 'm quite happy to see if we can what we can do , I ca n't guarantee that my Right Honourable Friend will take a different view , but I 'm content to see what we can do and report if your Lordships think that that is suitable , but if we were to do that My Lord , I think it would mean erm er it would mean that all these amendments which are grouped together should not in fact be , be put t to the vote , I mean that means ever er er all your Lordships because I do n't think it would be very fair if I were to say that I would move mine and the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh were c to come along and move his amendment and mine meanwhile has gone down the drainpipe and I do n't think that that would be particularly funny , but the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh I 'm sure would n't do such a dastardly thing like that !
29 This does not mean that all these methods should be banned : on the contrary — banning contraception might simply lead to a sudden rise in both abortion and childbirth , both of which are likely to be at least as dangerous for women 's health in a poor country .
30 This does not mean that all formal principles have been abandoned — the form may be based on very logical mathematical principles , or on structures which are retrogrades or inversions of what has gone before ( which makes the musical ideas themselves somewhat elusive ) — but if there is no repetition of well-sculptured subject matter , the music is almost certain to escape the memory , even after several hearings .
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