Example sentences of "[vb infin] i would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I would have done .
2 I do n't think I would have made quite so much impact , however , if it had n't been for the fact that , while they were carrying me round the church yelling , ‘ Aliens ! ’ 'Jesus Christ ! ’ and ‘ The snake cometh ! ’ the roof fell in .
3 Erm , when I first started erm I think the typists felt that erm as an ordinary typist I ought to er be in the typing pool but the I 'm glad I did n't because I do n't think I would have felt very happy amongst er
4 I do n't think I would have gone on with my own writing if you had n't shown such interest and liking for my work ( which I must admit I was a bit suspicious at first ! ) .
5 I do n't think I would have gone to London to govern Scotland . ’
6 ‘ Do you think I would have waited around for all this if I had ? ’
7 Do you think I would have let the Master grow into the twisted megalomaniac he is if I could have prevented it ?
8 I thought this was very unfair and erm , but then luckily really because erm I do n't think I would have let the job would have been difficult even if er I 'd had my wife as , for transporting me around to these various people .
9 If I was stupid I do n't think I would have got this far .
10 If someone had sat me down when I was young and said , ‘ All right , tell us your problems , ’ I do n't think I would have got into the trouble I did .
11 I do n't think I would have got away from the KGB so easily .
12 Without him , I do n't think I would have got so far in my career .
13 ‘ And if it were all true , do you really think I would have admitted it ?
14 The thing is , I do n't think I would have shaved my legs now , cos I 'd feel too guilty .
15 Even now I do n't think I would have acted any other way .
16 If I could speak I would have said , ‘ Elizabeth , Elizabeth , go back into the shadows , get out of the light , hide your shining face in the shadows . ’
17 Damian studied her with loving amusement and murmured , ‘ You do n't really believe I would have knelt to you ?
18 ‘ You do n't believe I would have sold you short for no reason at all , do you ? ’
19 I did n't , I would have I would have accused that Jack would actually publicise this as another Westminster scandal .
20 If I 'd not had Louisa I do n't suppose I would have pushed myself when I had the job interview .
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