Example sentences of "[vb infin] [Wh adv] [pers pn] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know when it is that you 'd like to take this .
2 Do you know why it is that Jean-Paul 's Algerian estates are so prosperous ?
3 I could not understand how it was that they were discussing so placidly Jean-Claude 's current compositional ideas for the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ .
4 Reverting to my opening discussion of the evolution of the ego and superego , we can readily see the importance of these stages and we can understand why it is that the sexual drive should lend itself to such apparently irrelevant associations as the oral and anal zones .
5 Naturally June could n't understand why it was that I went on cutting her .
6 ‘ Can you remember when it was that Angy gave Delia her address ? ’
7 She could n't quite remember when it was that she 'd realized Georg took it for granted they 'd get married as soon as she was old enough .
8 When Svidrigailov and Porfiry , who never meet — bold again — and who have nothing to do with each other , both tell Raskolnikov that a man needs air , my business is to try and suggest how it is that Dostoevsky 's reader finds himself in immediate dual touch with a Petersburg july day and a universal truth .
9 At times when I sensed that the gulf between Jean-Claude and me was so wide as to be almost unbridgeable , I would wonder how it was that our love-making had lost nothing of its fervour .
10 Neither of them was capable of searching out any fairy-tale kink in the more drab theories of evolution which might explain how it is that a frog taken ( however reluctantly ) into the soft bed of a princess can be changed overnight back into a prince .
11 His reference to faith may explain how it is that he is able to conceive of the notion of absolute Truth which he calls God .
12 In this way , researchers can never explain why it is that wants or preferences manifested by individuals in social and political action are originally formed .
13 Since these writers retain a belief that the capitalist economic system throws up a responsive liberal-democratic and pluralistic political system , these theorists must always first explain why it is that the military-industrial complex has come about .
14 I , I think that 's again going to be part of it because that is certainly I mean a major reason why er a lot of peasant societies have large families , but we 'd still have to try and explain why it was that in this period , presumably so very much more of those children were surviving than had been the case earlier .
15 Pervasive though this negative tradition is , it does n't quite answer why it is that in a post-Christian society there should continue to be so much indifference to the claims of animals .
16 If we are going to start looking into where money has gone , let us examine how it was that the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) had a job for two months and a £100,000 pay-off and a Mercedes for a penny .
17 At this point we may ask how it is that speakers go about creating linguistically the persona which they animate at any one particular time .
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