Example sentences of "[vb infin] [Wh adv] [noun] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er I do n't know how Mr could actually say his first comment about quality and improvement .
2 I do n't know why things ca n't be the same in this house as in every other house in the country .
3 ‘ I do n't know why people ca n't write a note . ’
4 Even if this appears to have occurred , a deconstructive account will show how such a text had to dissimulate in order to cover over its own openings , or , to put it the other way round , it will show how history must always be organized by an attempted occlusion of its own conditions of historicity .
5 The first is that we do not see how states could possibly be regarded as merely one kind of actor among several on the international scene .
6 ‘ Well sir , I think we can rule out natural causes and I ca n't see how dynamite could accidentally get under a table , so unless he committed suicide in a way that endangered the lives of other people , I think we must assume it was murder .
7 Yes well I , I certainly in this parish , I can not see how people could n't manage to get to classes
8 That was supposed to be a funny song , and I ca n't understand how people could n't see it .
9 I have my doubts that Batty will ever be world class , that aside I can not understand why Wilko can not sit down with the side he 's got and bang something out to keep both Strachan and Rocastle in the side .
10 Does anybody know who 's got the spare key to the back door , I just can not understand why people ca n't put it back where it belongs …
11 ‘ I have been large all my life and I do n't see why others ca n't be the same way . ’
12 ‘ I do n't see why Aschmann ca n't play Saffi , ’ repeated Willi with dogged persistence .
13 A further consequence for linguistic form exists in the examples ( 40 ) to ( 43 ) but , before that , let us turn to our second question ; we can now see why postnominals could often have an " aura " of emphasis , yet without this being clearly and consistently present .
14 If the LEA were to lay down as a condition of grant that we should have nothing to do with the University body , we should refuse the grant , and I do not see why Universities should not show the same loyalty to us .
15 The reader will recall how Keynes would not have disagreed with a single syllable of the above diagnosis .
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