Example sentences of "[vb infin] [indef pn] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They connected him up , but there was nowhere to hang the bag of saline solution , and they did not want someone blocking the aisle holding it .
2 You will need someone to take the chair who is able to keep his/her own views in the background and is experienced in handling emotive discussions .
3 As I understand things , and I work from what I know to what I do n't know anyone ordained an elder following these guidelines is recognised as an elder within the United Reform Church and within the Presbyterian Church of Wales .
4 Although this is so , it does not trouble anyone surveying a piece of land .
5 some do n't but let's assume everyone has a name .
6 Cutting their pay will do nothing to induce a recovery .
7 Also , the manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist 's career , while the artist should do nothing to jeopardize the reputation of the manager .
8 If giving or withholding this responsibility were possible options in a one-person game , then this criterion would do nothing to counter the charge of arbitrariness but I have already argued that they are not and could not be .
9 If she is in breach of these and will do nothing to remedy the situation check with other neighbours , to see if they are suffering from any soot fallout on washing lines and so on .
10 The development of a business park on this site would not help the local community because of the need for unskilled/semi-skilled work , and it would do nothing to improve the environment for the residents of this area , with the use of the water frontage lost .
11 The land borders on the edge of the green belt , and the proposed development of houses , no matter how luxurious you intend them to be , will do nothing to enhance the area .
12 The London Borough of Lambeth says its SSD could do nothing to prevent the death of a 15-year-old girl on her return from Ireland .
13 I THINK I can safely say that Peter Greenaway 's latest film will do nothing to increase the appreciation of food in this country .
14 The man representing the government washed his hands of responsibility , he could do nothing to meet the striker 's demands , he said , because Moscow would n't let him .
15 Now the opportunity had once again been given to them , she felt that they must do nothing to jeopardise the future .
16 The Bill will do nothing to assist the settlement of refugees in the United Kingdom .
17 He had also quickly grasped that the islanders would do nothing to endanger the safety of Sycorax .
18 Elisabeth would do nothing to modify the arrangement of anything planned and executed by her parents .
19 Moreover , the achievement of equal retirement ages , when it eventually comes , though significant , would do nothing to remove the tyranny of fixed age retirement for both women and men .
20 Voice of Israel radio reported on Sept. 16 that Qian had assured Peres that China " would do nothing to complicate the situation " in the Middle East , adding that Israel 's relations with China " have made headway " .
21 Diane sat on the opposite side of the refectory table , watching him , chin in hand , as someone with nothing better to do might watch somebody mending a clock .
22 And even those who do achieve something lack the scope to go further because ‘ Indians and India are the grandest failures in a long time ’ .
23 Now we hope the EC will do something to resolve the problem .
24 ‘ Now we hope the EC will do something to resolve the problem .
25 Eight changes are out of the question for Lord 's next Thursday but England must do something to stop the rot before all hope of regaining the Ashes disappears for another two years .
26 Eight changes are out of the question for Lord 's next Thursday but England must do something to stop the rot before all hope of regaining the Ashes disappears for another two years .
27 I know I can always do something to earn a living .
28 Silva , who was born in South Africa of Portuguese parents and who won the European Tour 's Qualifying School in 1990 , hopes that his victory will do something to lift the game in Portugal ‘ where so many talented players are struggling to break through ’ .
29 Hence one diamond doubled is definitely not going to be a good contract , and you must do something to improve the situation .
30 When will the Minister do something to reduce the damage and danger caused by heavy lorries , especially in rural areas such as my constituency and the areas of Caerleon and Marshfield ?
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