Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] she did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She would tell Robert that and let him know that she did n't need to be treated as though she were completely helpless .
2 What did it matter that she did n't know what to say to him ?
3 And Dinda said she needed a filling , a re-filling actually and she said it 's the first that she 's been to a dentist that she could remember that she did n't notice the needle coming in , part she hates is the needle in the gum .
4 But Ace could see that she did n't sound or look as totally convinced as her words .
5 Her children could n't understand that she did n't want a different life .
6 Why could n't they just understand that she did n't want to be married and settled with umpteen kids and a mortgage up to the sky and no life to call her own ?
7 I could quite appreciate that she did n't want that .
8 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
9 Faced with Faye 's genuine kindness , which surfaced frequently to soften the more ruthless , temperamental side of her personality , Belinda could not admit that she did not feel comfortable in the dress , so she said quite sincerely , ‘ That 's so lovely of you , Faye .
10 ‘ I tremble at crossing swords with you , ’ said Robert Bossu in the sweetest and most reasonable of voices , his high shoulder leaned at ease against the panelled wall at his back , ‘ but I must observe that she did not allow it to succeed .
11 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
12 ‘ So do we accept that she did merely close it later ?
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