Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman must also know that it depends how one selects one 's facts and which surveys one looks at .
2 Some of us though , working at the ground , grass roots ma may not know that it goes on , and er , I would just like to take this opportunity of stressing how important it is to , that we communicate within the United Kingdom , and er , support Nigel 's er , suggestion that it would be useful to have a base down here .
3 But many people do n't know that it has also provided many of the big back-room names in the pop business too .
4 Yeah because if I work it out I 'll just know that i it made so and so but I wo n't know that it gave off that I 'll just remember that it made like zinc chloride or something I wo n't remember
5 Any examination of the history of ‘ history , will demonstrate that it has never had the immediate certainty that is implied in the all too frequent invocation of , concrete history ’ .
6 The Home Office says that it already pays fifty one percent of the cost of policing the royals , but if the county council can adequately demonstrate that it needs more then funds are available .
7 I thought , I did n't think that it takes as long as that .
8 The Court did not however think that it fell so far below what might properly be imposed by way of sentence so as to justify the Court in interfering so as to increase the sentence .
9 I do not think that it matters greatly whether this kind of contract is called a sale or not .
10 And if that is so , then I revert to the considerations already stated which as a matter of construction make me think that it did so legislate .
11 I actually understood what the Hon. and learned Gentleman said , which is unusual , although I do not think that it contributed much to the debate .
12 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
13 Demand for prospectuses has been such that an Independent scribe seeking a Warburgs telephone number for publication was told the firm really would prefer that it did not appear in print .
14 Nor could she recollect that it had ever been suggested they should do so .
15 The politics of the United Nations will ensure that it stays there .
16 It has come down and we shall ensure that it stays down .
17 Airtours might not repeat last year 's extraordinary feats , but its cash pile and cautious management should ensure that it does not lend further credence to the current theory — that this year 's fastest grower is next year 's insolvency .
18 By taking into account and weighing these and any other relevant circumstances , the court will ensure that it does not seek to exercise oppressively or unreasonably the very wide jurisdiction conferred by the sections .
19 Will he confirm that it operates only if there is prior written consent on the part of the employee —
20 Can you just confirm that it 's never been the practice to have an oral statement in this house on er prescription charges , neither under this Conservative government nor indeed under the pre previous Labour government who were always deeply embarrassed by increasing prescription charges .
21 Do you feel that it has successfully captured some of the effects of the social relationship ?
22 So all I can really say is , I do hope you enjoy your visit here to England and that when you do go back to the States you will feel that it 's really been well worthwhile .
23 I ca n't do that it feeds back that 's a shame is n't it .
24 One might easily assume that it has always been an important road .
25 By suggesting what that contribution might be we shall show that it does not yet figure in the common PGCE topics and secondly that there is a kind of linguistic knowledge which is specifically appropriate to beginning language teachers .
26 It is highly doubtful that any offshore centre could claim that it has never been tainted by drugs money .
27 She could n't believe that it had all stopped , the misery , the anguish , the self-recrimination .
28 Because I do n't believe that it does n't .
29 The question always is whether the defamation is of the class itself ( in which case no action arises ) or whether ordinary readers would believe that it reflected directly on the individual plaintiff .
30 A relation is said to be transitive if the fact that it holds between two elements A and B , and also between B and some third element C , guarantees that it holds between A and C. The relation ’ — is longer than — ’ is thus transitive , because if A is longer than B , and B is longer than C , we can be sure that A is longer than C. In the case of an intransitive relation , on the other hand , the fact that it held between A and B , and between B and C , would entail that it did not hold between A and C. For instance , if A were the father of B , and B the father of C , then A could not be the father of C ; the relation ’ — father of — ’ is thus intransitive .
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