Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mortality statistics , too , are not restricted to the unemployed : how do we know that they are not indicating greater health problems in the population as a whole during times of economic difficulty ?
2 " The Ingard board must know that they are nearly at the end of the road .
3 I work amongst the elderly and I do know that they are very shy about telling people just how poor they are .
4 If it is accepted that we are in possession of logically adequate criteria of particular-identification , I do not see how one could deny that such criteria are ever fulfilled ; for how else would we know that they are indeed adequate ?
5 This is , this is where Deborah will then go back , this is , comes into your three hour training so you wo n't have this problem cos they 'll all have been , they 'll all know that they 're just talking about certain things .
6 The glasses are in number four , they 've all been provided but they just Whether they do n't know that they 're there .
7 While seeking to understand the opposition , the buyers should recognise that they are probably their own most formidable adversaries .
8 This means that they will recognise that they are not intended to commit themselves to all of the implicatures they had derived .
9 Alternatively checks can be built into the system that restrict the availability of certain specific products unless the potential users can demonstrate that they are suitably equipped .
10 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
11 But the ear bones of toothed whales are heavy and quite rudimentary , and we do not think that they are very important in transmitting received ultrasounds .
12 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
13 Well I 'm happy that the flats are coming down because I do n't think that they 're really fit places for people to live .
14 There are plenty of books in most libraries explaining building construction and the Buildings Regulations in simple terms , but do ensure that they are not out of date .
15 We can at least ensure that they are not the cause of any disharmony within Somerville .
16 Many animal killers like their prey to writhe and scream , not because they are sadistic but simply because that is the way they can ensure that they are about to eat fresh , healthy food .
17 Thus ministers no longer feel that the doctrine exposes them to special risks in the House but , by confining all the advice of the departments to ministers , it does ensure that they are so much better informed and briefed than their critics .
18 I made clear to the Committee considering the Bill , when we considered a similar amendment , that I do not consider that enlarging the size of boards would ensure that they are more effective .
19 Unschooled Wolof children know when to make certain things explicit in their own culture ; it would appear that they are not triggered off to do so by Greenfield 's questions .
20 On the one hand it would appear that they are less likely to be clearly subordinated to traditional patriarchal authority .
21 Characters are allowed an I test to spot areas of rotted wood — there is a -25 penalty if they do n't specify that they 're actually looking !
22 Well let's forget about that , let's forget about the two thousand odd people who 've said no , let's forget about the fact that there were these accidents in that road , because no we 've got the M forty the A forty four — well the A thirty four as it was — has been relieved of a lot of traffic and from a point of view from the Gipsy Working Party Committee they may well feel that they are even more entitled to go ahead with this site .
23 In these so-called ‘ families ’ , individuals can feel that they are not entirely weak and alone .
24 It is important to accept our children , single or married , without making them feel that they are less valued if they remain single , or if they marry someone who is not our choice .
25 Individually , workers may feel that they are severely limited , even powerless , in what they can do .
26 There are , in fact several others but , for various reasons which I shall attempt to explain , I do not feel that they are always quite as effective — or indeed as safe — as the use of the hypnotic state .
27 Constructions built so that people who can not afford to leave or sail away can feel that they are almost leaving .
28 For advocacy groups to work properly they must feel that they are truly independent of the influence of professionals employed by the authority , since any group will from time to time find itself challenging the advice of a consultant psychiatrist or service manager employed by the authority .
29 Simple denial — We see the tramps and drop-outs and may wrongly assume that they are necessarily addicted to alcohol or drugs .
30 Of course you may get some probably some very good people a added , I do n't know wh wh wh they 'll be none of us knows , er they 're are going to nowhere that they 're going to get their expenses , they 're also going to get their allowances , I do n't know what those allowances will be er and I would n't assume that they 're necessarily going to lessen their independents because they receive allowances , but it is weakened , it is weakening the powers of the local institutions which are an essential part of our democratic society in this country .
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